Chapter Seven

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"Carol, truth or dare?"

The game had been going on for a while now and this is the first time I've been asked. It's asked by, surprisingly, Joey.

"Truth." I say, to stay on the safe side.

"Lame." He says, but smiles and looks up at the ceiling to signify that he's thinking. "Ah... Okay. Truth. How long have you been a Starkid fan?"

"Hmm... Well, since forever. Almost five years now I think."

Jaime perked up suddenly. "Oh, she's been with us since the beginning!"

"This game's boring now... Let's do something else." Meredith announced.

"Oh, hey Jaime! Didn't you have something that you wanted to-" But Lauren was cut off by Jaime covering her mouth.

"Huh?" Dylan asked.

"Nothing-EW, LAUREN!" She said, pulling her hand away. "You licked me, you idiot!"

Lauren giggled. "Well, Jaime you've got to tell them sometime or later."

"Tell us what?" Darren asked.

"Guys..." She began, a sudden depressed air about her. "I feel so bad, but there's no way that I can make it to the AVPM performance..."

There were a couple of sudden gasps.

"What... What AVPM performance?" I ask.

A sigh escaped Meredith's lips. "All the people who bought tickets..."

"We were going to bring AVPM for one night only..." Darren finally explained to me.

"Really?" I say. "Why haven't I heard about this?" I say, suddenly.

"We've all tweeted it." Lauren said.

"Oh, I haven't been on twitter in a while. I've been too busy with the move." I explain.

"I'm so sorry-" Jaime froze, in the middle of her sentence.

"What?" Lauren said, suddenly perking up, hoping Jaime found out a way that she could make it.

"That's it!" Jaime squealed.

"Well, are you gonna tell us?" Joe asked, seeming to be getting impatient.

"It's perfect! Carol can take my spot!"

I froze. "WH-WHAT?!" I gasp. She's crazy.

"You said you've seen the musical many times and know all the songs! It won't take you that long to learn the lines, and the blocking will be easy since you've seen it!" Jaime explains, excitedly.

"That could work." Lauren pointed out.

"Are you mad? Everyone will hate me for taking Jaime's part!" I exclaim.

"I'll just tweet that it's a dire emergency. They'll understand." Jaime said.

"But I have no talent!" I say. And I'm not lying, because I'm nothing compared to Jaime.

"Are you kidding?" Darren piped in. "You've got loads of talent! I think you should do it."

"I second that." Joey added.

"Yeah! Then I won't be the only unoriginal actress!" Meredith piped.

Joe, Brian, and Dylan nodded in agreement to everyone's comments.

"You'd be perfect." Brolden added.

"Pleaaaase." Jaime begged.

I sighed and then shrugged. "I guess I'll think about it."

"Not good enough! You have to promise you'll do it!" Jaime said.

"Fine. But I won't be nearly as good as you." I said, cracking a smile.



I actually enjoyed writing this chapter a lot. What do you think?

I would be surprised if anyone's actually reading this.

Don't be afraid to leave a comment. Even if it's yelling at me about how much I suck for not updating because its true. Also votes are really appreciated.

So I'll leave you with this kinda long chapter and I will update tomorrow!

Don't let me forget!

OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Anyone notice that I changed the title? I felt like it's more of a Starkid fanfiction than just Darren fanfiction. So it really had nothing to do with Glee and "Cough Syrup" was a song that Darren covered on Glee. So I changed it to Even Though... A Starkid song!

I'm so sorry for this super long Author's note.

Love you and good night.


Even Though- A Very Starkid FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now