Confessions to Make (Shadow)

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Shadow: *hears a knock on the door* Coming! *opens door* Oh Maria. Maria: Shadow can we talk? Shadow: Uh.. OK sure. Maria: So Shadow are you... you know. Shadow: Um gay? Maria: Yes. Shadow: *sighs* Yes I am gay. Maria: I know you but is this the life you want? Shadow: Yes it is.I love Sonic the hedgehog. He is my little Sonniku. Maria: Um Sonniku? Shadow: Yes he is my little Sonniku, my little pet, my... boyfriend. Maria: You are going to go to your room while i think about it. Shadow: What no.... you aren't the boss of me. Maria:I'm sorry Shadow but mom said I'm in charge. Now go to your room and you can't see Sonic until I think on what your life can be. I'm sorry. Shadow: *goes into his room and sits on his bed* Sonic. *sniffles*

Author: Sorry guys but the book is over yes i know it is a sad ending but there will be a book 2 called Sonadow High School Volume 2 and again sorry it is a sad ending.

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