A Chance for Wetness

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A Review of Someone Like You by @maxinedonner

by @lesliemcadam and special guest reviewer, @MariaMonroeAuthor

LM: @iamjamiestark is a joint project of @lesliemcadam and @maxinedonner. If you are one of the six people who read our reviews regularly, you will know that we are sweary and get sidetracked by various things, but we really want to celebrate the well-written, undiscovered romantic and erotic work on Wattpad.

The thing is, @maxinedonner totally deserves to have "Someone Like You" be reviewed on JamieStark, but she can't review her own work. I won't let her.

So, I enlisted a friend.

Everyone, meet Maria Monroe, who is on Wattpad as @mariamonroeauthor and on Twitter as @authormaria. Maria, along with her two real life sisters, runs an indie erotica/romance publishing house called Graffiti Fiction (on Twitter, @graffitifiction) and is an amazing writer herself. Her books on Amazon are: The Rescue (I totally did not want to like Eric and I totally fell in love with him. OMG. This book. Dog rescue. Sound of Music references. And the sex. It is squarely in my YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK NOW list); Julian and Lia (Julian in his hoodie. Sigh. I'm waiting for book 2); and the Jenna and Jace stories (TV Night, Leather, and you better write another one Maria).

Maria and I bonded when I posted a young, sexy picture of Hemingway, who hovers over me, whistling in pain as I write (I'll let my shrink analyze that one), and she found another young, sexy picture of Hemingway, and we agreed that #hemingwaywashot. I'll be sure to post the picture I'm talking about above.

So without any further preamble, here are the reasons why we love "Someone Like You" and we think that you should "deep throat it" (as @mistressOP says about reading books fast) NOW. And, well, there are going to be spoilers so if you can't handle spoilers, go read it because we're telling you to, and then come back and let us know if you agree.

So after I read the first chapter of this book, I knew that I was reading something special. I had NEVER read a book that started like this, that was as, I don't know, crazy/sexy/MEDICAL/wild/funny as this.

MM: I totally agree. If you'd asked me before I read it if an ER emergency involving a penis could be hot, I'd have said no way. But this WAS! From the start I was hooked.

The thing is, Maxine's writing is so hilarious, so unique, so witty. I mean, anyone who talks about a penis in terms of Cape Canaveral and the Endeavor, OMG.

Or compares it to a double scoop ice cream cone!

So, okay, we have a medical scenario that I have not heard of except for in Viagra ads (an erection lasting more than two hours), we have an unbelievably hot guy (Andy), described in the detailed and unique way that Maxine uses language, and we have a smart, funny narrator, Jen, who is forced to, well, stick a needle in his junk.

From the start, their conversations were one of my favorite things. Everything they said was unique, and immediately they were real people, not just characters in a book. When I read, I felt like I was falling in love with Andy (and possibly his penis) for real. Not just reading about Jen doing it.

Yes! And perhaps you've hit on something: this is not a clichéd book.

Not at all! It's so unique, one of those books that I love reading and, as an author, admire so much. It sets the bar higher.

Maxine's use of language sets the bar higher for me. And her prodigious use of commas (she complains that I am underpunctuated. I am. We deal.)

I'm a lover of commas as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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