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"Oh my God, Georgia! I got them! I got the tickets" Imogen shouts running up to me and jumping up and down as I stand by my locker, getting my bag out for lunch.

I laugh and close my locker.

"What are you talking about you mad woman" I exclaim, leading my over hyper friend towards the lunch hall.

"One Direction. Remember: I entered that competition to win tickets to their concert?" Imogen says.

"Oh my God. Are you serious? Oh my God, we're going to One Direction. When?" I shout, now as excited as she is.

"September 24th at the o2" she informs me as we reach the lunch hall, joining the back of the line filled with hungry university students, desperate for food.

"That's in a week, holy crap that's so soon. I can't wait" I exclaim and pull Imogen into a bear hug.

"Hurry up and get your food" I hear a student behind us in the line shout as we approach the serving area. I look at Imogen and we jump up and down, silently screaming to each other.

Finally after 5 years of being a fan, I'm going to a One Direction concert. September 24th is going to be the best day ever!

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