Chapter 5

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Waking up in a 5 star hotel, after spending the evening before with the boy of your dreams, is quite possibly the greatest feeling in the world!

Light is pouring in through the large French windows on the far side of the room, illuminating it. I roll over in the bed to reach my phone, checking the time to see that it's 8:30

Seeing as I have only 1 hour to get ready until I said I'd go meet up with Harry again, I jump out of bed quickly, ridding myself of the pyjamas the hotel lent me. I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower, waiting a few seconds for it to heat up and then climbing in.

The hot water eases my tense muscles, calming my nerves as the reality of the situation hits me.

I met Harry Styles! And not only that, I spent the evening laughing with him on the empty o2 arena stage whilst holding hands!
God life is good at the moment!

After about 10 minutes, I step out of the shower, drying myself off quickly and then blow drying my hair. If I were at home and had some sort of hair product with me I would put some salt spray in my hair or apply light makeup, but seeing as I'm without any of that, I'm going to have to hope my natural beachy waves and blank face will do.

I walk back into the bedroom and put on last nights outfit due to having no other clothes with me, thankful I didn't overdress for the concert. Once I'm finished dressing I check the time again. It's exactly 9:25 giving me enough time to walk back to Harry's room where I said I'd meet him, Niall and Liam.

I lock the door after stepping into the hallway. I walk back down the corridor that Mark lead me through last night, getting into the elevator and pressing the floor of Harry's hotel room.

Once the elevator reaches the correct floor I step out and begin checking the door numbers for the correct room. "1292, 1293" I mumble quietly to myself as I walk further down the corridor, stopping when I reach room 1294, Harry's room.

I take a deep breath, smoothing down the white playsuit I am wearing with my hands and lightly knocking on the door. Within a couple of seconds the door opens revealing Harry.

"Hey Georgia, sleep okay?" He asks stepping aside, allowing me into the room.

"Yes thanks, you?"

"Yeah I did thank you!" He replies smiling. "Niall and Liam are waiting downstairs at breakfast for us" he adds.

"Cool, let's go then" I chirp and Harry smiles, grabbing a jacket out of his suitcase, leading me out of the room and into the elevator.

"You look really good this morning by the way" Harry compliments once inside the elevator and my heart swells.

"Thank you, not looking so bad yourself Styles" I joke and he laughs. "No but seriously you look... hot" I say having a wave of confidence to actually speak my true mind. Harry's cheeks flush and he smirks.

"Oh really, and what is so hot about me today Miss Green?" He asks smugly, remembering my last name.

I blush and look shyly down his succulent body. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a black short sleeve t-shirt and a grey hoodie. His hair is styled in its signature quiff and brown boots are covering his large feet. It's a simple outfit but he looks phenomenal.

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