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I woke up and it was still dark outside. Light was trickling from beneath the door frame. and I could hear the dishes being put away in their places.

It was about... 10:30. That was too long of a time to be getting groceries.

Knowing he was out there, I wanted to get up. I wanted to see him.

But at the same time, I couldn't. I was paralyzed with fear.

It wasn't a fear that I would get physically hurt, it was emotional hurt I didn't want.

I couldn't bear to see him mad at me again.

That look he gave me last night... it was too much.

I felt weird though... I had only just met him. How could he affect me like that so soon?

With these conflicting feelings, I lay in bed for at least 30 minutes, just staring at the ceiling. The fan slowly spun around in fashion, making a slight ticking noise.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps come near the door, and they stopped near the door. I gripped the sheets, as it seemed like he contemplated about coming in.

Was he going to kick me out? Was he going to apologize? I figured it wouldn't be the former, he doesn't seem like that kind of person. Well if I see him tomorrow, I'll let him know that I'm moving out. I can't deal with this kind of emotion.

But then, the footsteps slowly walked away, and I started crying.

I missed him. I fucking missed him. But there was nothing I could do. I messed up. I went to far... I took things too fast.

I slowly cried myself to sleep.


Waking up the next morning, I wondered who would take me to see the college, since I ruined things with Zack-Senpai.

Gaku seemed like the smart guy. I suppose I'll ask him.

After preparing for the day, I go into the living room.

Yep, just as I thought. No one there. I left the house and headed out.

Realizing I had no fucking clue where I was going, I luckily ran into Tatsuni-kun. "Hey Tatsuni!" I shouted to him. I ran up to him.

"Hey Skyler! What's up?" He asked me.

"Can you tell me where Gaku-San's house is?" I ask him.

Upon hearing Gaku's name, the racoon blushes.

"Umm, of course I do. I go there almost every day." An awkward silence suddenly ensued. We weren't super good friends yet, so this was expected. It reminded me of how Zack would always silently respond to things I would say.

Wait.. I was forgetting about him. I had to stop that.

His face lightens up, realizing the sad look on my face. "Of course I can show you how to get there!" I nod in approval. "Thank you so much!" I say to him, losing the sad face and gaining a smile.

As we walked, I decided to engage Tatsuni in conversation.

I asked him about school in the area, and the sports he liked.

"Yeah, I love tennis! Senpai... I mean Gaku... helped me get to be as good as I am now.. in fact I... I'm so glad..." he suddenly blushed.

I see. He must love Gaku.

I looked at him and winked, which only made his blush even more.

"I gotcha Tat. I once had... a few people that I cared about. Just... don't take things to fast. Don't mess things up... you'll regret it."

A New Lover: An Anthro Romance StoryWhere stories live. Discover now