2. Married the right man

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Hi guys! Here's the latest update. I hope you enjoy!

Now just to let you know, I may be absent for a week or two. I'm getting all four wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and I'm not sure how I'm going to go with it. If I don't have any problems and recover fast, I'll try and update within a week. If I have problems I may be two weeks or more. Please bear with me though. Once I'm able to write again I will update. :)
I never thought I would get married without my family. Yet somehow this feels right. As the celebrant drones on, I hold both of Jamie's hands as we stare at each other, grinning like newlyweds do. I can feel my dress pull as the water laps around our ankles but I actually don't care.  This is total bliss. All I can hear is the soft warm breeze that caresses my sun kissed skin, the soft lapping of the waves against the shore and birds chirping in the palms behind us.

When I married Gregory, I was devastated to think I'd never experience another wedding that I wanted to take part in. Now today, it's happening again. This time to the right man. I have no doubts whatsoever, just the confidence that I am doing the right thing. Finally.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the celebrant speaks up. "Who gives this woman?"

The moment the words are spoken, my stomach drops. We came here alone and it's just the three of us. Who is supposed to-?

"I do," a voice speaks up.

Spinning around, I see Mum and Toby walking toward us with wide grins. I had assumed they weren't coming but now I understand. It was supposed to be a surprise. Relief floods me and I grin at Mum, mouthing 'thank you' to her. Turning back to Jamie, he winks at me as the celebrant continues.

"Do you Jamie Finnegan, take Teresa Hudson to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

My stomach swirls with butterflies as I look into Jamie's beautiful blue eyes. He smiles confidently then says, "I do."

When this happened at my other weddings, it never held any meaning. They were just words spoken for legality purposes. Today I can't stop the tears of joy trickling down my cheeks. Jamie squeezes my hands and stares at me lovingly. I still can't believe this is happening.

The celebrant continues, "Do you Teresa Hudson, take Jamie Finnegan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

My throat constricts as I say, "I do." It comes out as a squeak and Jamie smirks.

"Sissy," he whispers and I giggle.

The celebrant raises an amused eyebrow and continues to read out our vows, which we have to recite.

Jamie starts, "I Jamie Finnegan, take you, Teresa Hudson, to be my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live."

The whole time he speaks, his eyes never leave mine and I swear I stop breathing. It's only when the celebrant reads mine out that I breathe again and repeat the vows, "I Teresa Hudson, take you, Jamie Finnegan, to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live."

My grin is so large my face is actually aching as the celebrant gets us to exchange rings and pronounces us husband and wife. The moment he does so, Jamie sweeps in and places a heat filled passionate kiss on my lips. It's at this moment in time I realise my life is finally complete. I've made some huge mistakes, ones I'm not entirely proud of anymore but what's done is done. I now have a second chance and I'm embracing it because at last I have the man I truly love.


To my surprise we're taken back to the hotel I'm staying at. When we arrive I'm a ball of nerves as I recall the events of the day but thankfully Prisca is nowhere to be seen. Toby appears to be even more excited than me as he leads us to a honeymoon suite he reserved for us. Apparently it's a gift from him and the rest of his family, minus Prisca who apparently didn't know about it. I dread to think what will happen when she finds out but I'm beyond caring. Nothing can burst this bubble of happiness I'm in.

When we arrive at the room, Toby saunters off with a wink in my direction while he's whistling 'Let's Get it On' by Marvin Gaye. I glower after him but don't get a chance to say something sarky before Jamie pulls me into his arms and kisses me senseless. Before I know it, we're in our room, the door closed and locked securely. Our lips never leave each other as we stumble our way to the bed, our clothes being removed at the same time.

I know I shouldn't compare this to Julian but I can't help myself. Everything is so different. I know my one and only night with Julian was my first time but as Jamie worships every part of my body, I'm experiencing so many overpowering feelings. Feelings I never experienced with Julian. It's confirmation yet again that I've made the right choice. It's like Jamie and I are connected in so many ways.

When we're both naked, we stop for a moment and just stare. It's strange, it doesn't feel weird or awkward at all. I don't have that overwhelming desire to cover up. Instead I find myself standing confidently, admiring the gorgeous ripped body Jamie has while he looks me up and down. For the first time in my life I feel loved, desired and most of all, wanted.

It's only a few seconds at most then Jamie captures my lips once more and we tumble onto the bed. I can barely focus on anything as we finally make love. Jamie and I connect in such a personal way it makes me tremble in ecstasy. When we climax together, a part of me comes alive. The part I expected to surface when I slept with Julian. I have no regrets whatsoever about my rash decision to marry Jamie.

As we lay in each other's arms, relishing in the afterglow, the only regret I have is that I caved in so easily. I wish so much I hadn't given my virginity to Julian. I wish I had stuck firm to my resolve to wait until marriage. The moment I just shared with Jamie would have been perfect as my first time. But I try hard not to think about that because what matters is I'm with Jamie now and I don't regret a thing.

It's only around five in the evening but tiredness envelops me as I lay in Jamie's arms. One of his hands is playing with my hair while the other holds me close. I can hear the steady rhythm of his heart, sending me into a peaceful slumber.

It's only a couple of hours later when I wake but I feel like I've slept for hours. I'm in bed by myself and when I'm about to call out to Jamie, he emerges from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I stare at him with wide eyes, still unable to believe we're married. He grins at me and uses another towel to dry his hair.

"What's that look for Mrs Finnegan?" Jamie asks, his eyes gaining a mischievous look.

I sit up in bed, not caring that the sheets have dropped past my chest. A shiver runs down my spine as it dawns on me what he called me. At one point I thought I would never share his last name...now I do. Miracles can happen.

"Oh, just admiring my husband," I say, finding it strange to say the word 'husband' even though it fits.

Jamie's eyes widen and for a split second a flash of fear passes through them. It's like he realises the enormity of our situation. It quickly passes though and he grins at me, coming over to the bed and sitting on the side next to me.

"I can say the same for my wife," he whispers, kissing me softly.

My body reacts to his touch instantly. I fall back onto my pillow, Jamie on top as our lips work in sync. I rip the towel from around his waist and run my hands along his warm, smooth skin. He breaks away only to trail kisses down my neck, across my shoulders and down my chest. He just reaches my breasts, my breaths coming out in short bursts, when there is a knock at our door.

What the hell? This is supposed to be our honeymoon! AKA no one should be bothering us.

Jamie and I share exasperated looks then he curses and climbs off the bed, grabbing his towel in the process. As he wraps it around him, I quickly jump out of bed and throw on some clothes. Good ol' Toby even remembered to pack up the clothes from my room and brought them here.

Once we're both decent, or at least partially decent on Jamie's behalf, Jamie opens the door. Toby is standing there looking flustered, an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm really sorry," he pleads from the doorway, "but we have a problem."

I walk to the door and stand next to Jamie. My stomach drops as I fear the worst. "What is it?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"It's my Mum." His expression turns panicked as he adds, "She's in the reception area with a gun."
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What is Prisca going to do??

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