Chapter 11

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Shepard's POV

I woke up to the sound of Garrus talking to his dad at the end of the bed.

"Are you sure you two are okay?" His dad asked.

"Don't worry Dad. We got it all sorted out."

"The asari told me that you two didn't talk for 4 weeks"

"I figured Liara would've told you"

"Where is she, Shepard I mean?"

"Dad, don't worry......She's right beside me asleep."

"I really like this one Garrus. She's not like most human females. She's stronger."

"I told you Dad, I'll love her no matter what happens between us."

"I'm just concerned Garrus. I heard what you did after she died last time. I'll talk to you later on."

What did he do?

"Alright Dad, I'll talk to you soon" Garrus said ending the conversation with his dad.

I smiled, sat up and wrapped my arms around Garrus.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning"

"That's because I woke up in bed with my favorite turian" I said kissing his neck. He pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey Garrus.....what did you do when I was dead other than cry?" I asked.

"Okay, I cried once. That was because I found an old picture of us, and I couldn't deal with the fact that you were actually dead with no one to bring you back. But, for another a week and a half.....I kept going to the bar each night with Wrex and James. Getting drunk of my ass was my way of coping with your death...Not the healthiest way but it was the only thing I thought to do." Garrus said looking down, disappointed in himself.

I kissed his mandible.

Garrus looked up at me.

"Garrus, I get it. You were upset but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." I kissed his head.

"I love you Garrus, and don't you ever forget that"

"I-I love you too Shepard....I won't"

I got off his lap and went to go get dressed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~
Garrus POV

"About 2 years why?"

"You've been with Shepard for 2 years and you've never gotten her an anniversary gift??" Miranda asked.

"I have no idea why you're freaking out over this Miranda, Shepard doesn't seem to have a problem with it." I said returning to my calibrations.
"Have the two of you even celebrated an anniversary??" Traynor asked.

"Well......if you count-

"No....not that way, What she means is taking her out to dinner or on a date" James said interrupting me.

"I've taken her on a date before." I said.

Why are these 3 getting so worked up over this???

"What kind?" Jack asked.

"Bottleshooting" I said.

"See, that'll melt Shepard's heart....not a quiet little dinner date" Jack said leaning against the gun I was calibrating.

See, she understands my point.

"Unless you want to blow up, I'd get off of that" I said not looking up.

"A dinner is still nice." Traynor said.

"What about that time on Shore Leave??" I asked.

"Well, you could count that as a date. But what about gifts??" James asked.

"I don't recall getting her anything besides what she needs or wine." I said looking at him.

"What about jewelry??" Miranda asked.

I shook my head.

"Get her a ring." Traynor told me.

"A ring? I don't quite think Shepard's ready for marriage quiet yet. At least, she doesn't seem like it" I said a bit shocked by the offer.

"No, like an anniversary ring." She said.

"An anniversary ring??"I asked.

I've read about anniversary rings before but I'd never thought about getting her one

" I guess I could try to find one for her"

"Great, I bet she'll love it" Miranda said leaving the Main Battery.

"I'm sure she'd appreciate a ring" James said doing the same.

"I still think you should buy her another gun" Jack said following him.

"If you need help finding one, call me down here and I'll be glad to help." Traynor said leaving.

I looked up how much a nice anniversary ring costs...........I may have a few hundred credits to spend but I could not afford a ring like this.

I love Shepard so much and I don't think getting her a ring is such a bad idea but I needed to find another way to get her one because these prices were way out of my price range.

Shepard's POV

"So I shot him in the head." Jack said taking a shot of brandy.

"You shot him in head for that???

"That, and the fact he was working for Cerberus before and he tried to kill me." Jack said pouring whiskey in a glass.

"Why would you kill someone over a bottle of brandy??" I asked Jack

"Some amazing brandy. Then again says the one who nearly got her squad mates killed over a hamster." Jack said coming back at me.

I laughed.

"Hey, My hamster is extremely important. At least I didn't ever go around half-naked in front of a bunch of kids." I said taking a sip of my tequila.

"Oh yeah, well at least my boyfriend didn't sleep with one of my best friends while we were fighting" she said chugging down the rest of her whiskey.

I nearly choked on my drink.

She froze

"Oops" She said quietly.

Please, tell me I didn't just hear what I think I heard.

"Wait...what did you just say?" I asked.

"Oops." Jack repeated.

"Not that....before that."

She didn't say anything.

"Jack, please tell me you're not saying that while Garrus was giving me the cold shoulder... He was screwing Tali" I said my fist beginning to clench.

"Only once." Jack said scratching the back of her head.

Is this why the crew was acting weird??

Did everyone know about this but me?!?!?

How long did they think they'd keep this from me?!?!?!?

Why would he keep this from me??

I got up and headed down to Engineering.

Why the hell would nobody tell me that Garrus slept with Tali when we were fighting. Yeah I guess, we were fighting and maybe it was for revenge or payback but still!! Tali!! Tali is one of my best friends, And he slept, with her!!!!

Out of all women, he chose her.

The door to Engineering opened.

"Shepard, can I help you??" Tali asked turning around.

(Sorry for the long wait, I got caught up in alot of stuff, but I will try to update when I can. Hope you enjoyed this chapter)

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