Chapter 1

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(A/N) this is a fairly long story, if you aren't up for it, don't read it. This is rather quite cheesy but this story is based off me and my friends. I hope you enjoy my story, I hope we all do. A lot of stress writing this

Narrative POV~

The school walls were a gross yellow, almost like they haven't been washed in years, you could see some darker yellow spots were that maybe had some water damage

Or maybe that was just the dim lights that seemed to flicker every now and then when people weren't watching but could still see.

All in all it didn't change the unsettling feeling it gave Theodore every morning, afternoon and evening when he walked around. It was like when you're sitting alone, yet you feel like you aren't.

Theodore was always alone though, never a moment in his life where he didn't feel alone at least, he was good in school. Had good grades, never raised his hand but still knew the answer, I guess he was too busy staring at what seemed to he a pair of purple eyes in the vent above him. Peering, for some reason, it didn't put him on edge or made him feel scared like it would most kids

It made him feel.. like he wasn't alone, for the first time in forever he didn't feel alone. Only every math class on the third block of every Tuesday he would feel that way. Because that was the only time the eyes ever appeared, that one math class.

Some days he could of sworn he heard it talk, or whisper in a very low voice that carried through the air and to his ears but never was clear enough for him to understand it. He liked the eyes

He liked the company.

The only time he ever got other company was when his daily bullies came to get their daily dosage of Theo shots, and by shots I mean throwing some punches.

He learned to deal with it, the broken bones and shattered teeth he could deal with, like words that ripped at him and beat him down. They were just as bad as the beatings, the names the mockings. It was all the attention he ever got and he was sadly..

Okay with it.

A little rattle came from above him in social class, he was jotting notes when the sound came and it somewhat startled him, causing him to jerk slightly to the side and leave a long trail of black ink going across the paper

He let out a long sigh as he went to go reach for his white out but heard a giggle come from the vent. And obviously he looked up, it's not every day you hear a giggle come from a vent in your school.

He looked up but instead of there being purple eyes all he saw was a pair of pure black eyes and some glistening yellow ones peeking down at him. Once again, he felt this warmth go down his spine, welcoming the embrace of company

The eyes seemed to blink twice then dissapear before his eyes as he assumed they ran away

All class he just continuously drew the eyes he saw as he thought of an explanation for the weird sight he just saw but came up empty handed as well as many people would.

After many minutes of the teacher glaring at him for not writing down the notes he thinks of the only explanation only him in his right mind could think of

And with the smallest movement of his pen and the ink leakes onto the paper, he writes one small word.


Now hear him out, it was hard for him to write down, monsters aren't real right?


For our little boy over here it was the only thing he could come up with, now through his mind he raced through numbers of insane asylums he has in his city

Had he finally cracked? had he finally let go of the rope of sanity? The only thing that he himself had a tight grip upon had finally snapped

Quickly and quietly a patter came from up above in the vent, followed with a creak.

"Psst hey kid" came like a snake through the vents, it reached his ears with a small whisper

It caused him to look up

Staring down at him were two small yellow eyes, the same as before. He could clearly see them this time, and with this, he realized it is not his mind

But it is in fact

Very real

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