Chapter 2

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Narrative POV~

After social class Theodore couldn't get the eyes out of his mind and soon found himself drawing scribbles on his hand with his pen.

"Hey theodork!" The cliche name was screamed across the hallway as Theo took a sharp breath in and turned around to face the problematic bully.

"What do you want Danny?" He sighed out as the rather larger teen walked towards him, his pants low so you could see his boxers and hair long and greasy, obviously was smoking something because he reaked of unholy things.

He stepped closer which caused Theo to take a step back and hold in the impending gag that built up in his throat, did this dude know what a shower is was?

"What's that all over your hand nerd?" he asked as he rather viciously grabs his hands and gestures towards the scribbles along his palm

"I just drew on my hand, it's not quiet a big deal" he said quietly, Theodore was never one for raising his voice and was actually quick on comebacks but he never wanted arguments.

"Well you're crazy" he said as he shoved Theodore to the side and into a locker, he was easy to push around. Didn't have that much of a healthy diet and was easily under weight, fragile and easy to hurt.

He fell to the floor but didn't even try to get up because he knew he would only be knocked down, instead he just let his hair fall over his face as he slouched against the locker.

He was used to this, but it didn't mean he liked it.

Kick after kick, punch after punch it just made him want to escape more. He wanted friends, he wanted people to talk too, he wanted company.

He supposes that the pain was company, not the kind he wanted but it was still..there..

"I wish those monsters were my friends" was what he was thinking, they seemed cool and had cool eyes.

He was interupted by him being lifted by his collar and dragged along the floor. He couldn't tell if he was bleeding or not but it was all okay

He was embraced by darkness and being cramped into a cold locker. The door closed as the light faded and all the sound that was left

Was his own breath, and own dreadful heartbeat

It was constricted and all he heard was the very few shuffling of some students feet, he didn't even want to try to get out.

"Yo, kid" he heard a voice come from the wall behind him in the locker

A voice? He literally just got the thought of him being insane out of his head and here it is again

Chistled into his head as he tried to ignore the whispers trying to get his attention

"Listen here" it finally said in a loud voice which honestly, didn't scare him. He calmly looked to the side and saw a huge hole in the wall. Inside was a creature

The thing that immediately drew attention to him was his eyes, even within darkness they shimmered with a light purple

He found him rather


In a strange way, he wasn't attracted to him but he found him beautiful. Like he was compelled to go with him. His mood had completely changed and he followed the creature


Is it strange to follow a weird looking creature you just met in a locker down a dark whole going God knows where


But he couldn't stop, his body moved while his mind continuously screamed at him to stop

But he didn't

Soon, all he saw was a dark glow coming from up ahead and the crackle of what sounded like fire

They came to the clearing and to Theodore's suprise, yes, there are monsters living in his school.

Seven of them to be precise.

One turned around and the look on her face, it made him want to curl in a ball. I mean, he feels like that on a daily basis but this


Was real

"Oh my god, why is he here now? I told you to not bring him here I don't care if you like him, he can endanger our species. I really didn't want to kill anyone today Tanjim" she says as she begins to walk towards our small scared boy

He wanted to speak but he couldn't, he can't move, can't talk. He's basically a useless meet sack.

"I! I won't tell anyone!" He managed to blurt out. Not the best words before you die but at least it'll stall the character for a couple seconds

And it did

She pulled back and thought

"Not that I don't trust you.. but I don't trust you" she says as she once again began walking towards me

"Alex, I know you don't want to put us at risk but we did the right thing, he was locked in a locker for cry out loud" a rather small one says as he puts his hand on who he assume to he Alex's hand which was raised up at Theo.

What was she going to do? Use the force?

"He's a problematic child" she says as she looks around to the rest of the monsters and they all shake their heads in dissaoproval

She snarled at him and shot him a glare, the kind that makes you want to work harder to be their friend or get on their good side. But it made him more scared and nervous.

This is normal

This is normal

This is normal

You aren't going insane

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You're okay..

Two began to walk up to you, one was a normal height but the other looked too tall. One had full black eyes and the other had yellow

Its the ones I saw before

"Hi, I'm Ellis" the one with the full black eyes said

"And I'm Caitlin" the one with yellow eyes said

"Welcome to hell" they both said at the same time

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