Chapter 3

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Narrative POV~

"You know what, since I can't kill this... guy..we might as well keep him. Go ahead and intorduce yourselves, if he makes one wrong move I'm going to kill him" The one Theodore assumes was their leader spoke boldly

They all looked hesitant to step up, he was honestly surprised that he wasn't more scared but I guess he was just enjoying the company

Finally a long sigh came from behind all of them and out stepped a tall boy with short red hair.

There was a single strip in his hair that appeared to be lava? He paid no mind to that and was I once again, drawn to his eyes.

This one had a bold look of red, it was like thick wine and gave Theodore a calming feeling, in all honesty Theo felt some shame in himself. The calming feeling he has just proves that yet again.. he isn't normal

Everyone else would be scared out of their mind, but he just felt relaxed.

"I'm Dean, what else am supposed to say? Oh um, okay I like Fallout Boy, I kinda control lava which in my idea is the best and I love Caitlin" Dean finished with a wink as the Theodore heard the one with yellow eyes scoff

What did he mean by he controlled lava? Was he like, able to touch it?

Dean looked back at Theo and nodded slightly as he walked back into the crowd of...people

Next up was one with full black eyes, looked rather casual with a sweater and jeans. Nothing off about the style, this one had thick green hair which havoured a single dandelion tucked behind their ear

"I'm Ellis, I love that band you all like so much called twenty one pilots. I'm kinda a hippy, and by that I mean my element is Nature" they finished off as Theo furrowed his eyebrows together

What in heavens name do they mean by their elements?

Ellis finger gunned him and walked back to the one with yellow eyes

He strangly felt compelled to meet her

"He keeps wanting to know who you are Caitlin" Tanjim says.

"W-what?! How..?" Theo manages to sputter out as Tanjim began to chuckle, his hair suddenly morohed into a bright fusia colour and he continued to laugh

"I can read people's thoughts and emotions" Tanjim said as he tried to calm himself from his sudden bursts of laughter

This is what caused Theodore to suddenly become uneasy

Mind reading? Seriously?

"Ahem" you heard someone clear their voice and as you looked over to see who it was you were not suprised

It was their leader

"My name is Alex, and I control water. I am the Leader here because the rest are reckless... especially ellis" she said with a snarl, you could tell they didnt get along

"I dont really like much stuff, the safety of my friends is pretty important though" with every word she took a step closer to Theo

He began to laugh awkwardly as Tanjim told her to step off

Damn shes spooky

"I guess since you've been so eager to meet me i will give you the honours of meeting the best!" The one with yellow eyes said as she laughed slightly and did some jazz hands

"Hi! Im Caitlin" she said sweetly as you immediately got an amazing vibe from her

"I guess you've been wondering about my gloves hands and no, I'm not a clean freak" she said as Theodore did begin to wonder why out of all of them

She was the only one wearing gloves

She looked up at Theo and began to take her gloves off, it was kinda scaring Theo because the atmosphere suddenly got stupidly intense

She pulled both her gloves off and to Theodore's surprise, one hand was full black and one hand was completely white

"I represent life and death, whatever hand I touch something with I can control, so for instance, I could kill or give something life with the touch of my hand" she said suddenly extremely creepy

There was a quiet one in the back that hadn't talked almost at all who was //very// hesitant to go up but Caitlin slowly moved him up to where he could greet Theodore

"I'm... my names Cas. And I control fire" he said as he tried to hide under his shirt but was interrupted by Alex

"Say something you like" she said loudly and Cas came out from hiding and let out a small shriek, probably from Alex scaring him

"...bees..." he said quietly before running off which caused Ellis to chuckle

"And last but not least I am Gabe" said a rather Hipster looking guy with like Ellis, had full black eyes

"I like memes and twenty one pilots" he said as he somewhat bowed and scurried away

"Now, if you aren't rude introduce yourself as well" Alex said bodly as Theodore cleared his throat

Oh lord what he got a voice crack?

"My names Theodore, and I like to have friends even though I have none' he said as they all started at him

With what seemed like a second Ellis and Caitlin were standing beside him

"Well we're all your friends now!" They laughed as Theodore felt that familiar feeling

But this time it was different, the feeling was better

Probably because this time it was

Real and genuine

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