So bloop and the bloop man

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There is not any reason for this title but I found it amusing so I'll go with it. Nothing absolutely out of the ordinary happened since the last time I posted but there are some things I feel like mentioning because why not? It is my thoughts and some random stranger is going to read them and relate (hopefully). I'm hoping to meet new people from this so maybe I'll try to write as much as I can. (Keyword try).

Anyway so I'll start to address my weird music taste. Earlier I was listening to Zayn's new song Like I would. Which I surprisingly like because before I hated 1D but his music is different from how 1D sounded like so maybe that is why. Then next I'm like lets listen to Nirvana which I listened to Negative Creep because les be honest Bleach is their best album. Now i'm listening to Pierce The Veil and those are my babies. They will never, ever, ever leave my heart. I'm really excited for their
new album because we've been waiting billions of years but then again I've waited 7 years for an album from one of my favorite singers so I think waiting a few years isn't really anything. Pretty much, my music taste is diverse. I could listen to pop one moment then gospel in the next. It just depends on what I feel like listening to. The thing is that since i'm black people like to say i'm apparently weird for having an open taste music besides rap or R&B which is sort of annoying.

Next, I finally went ice skating for the first time which is awesome but at the same I failed so badly. Gah Caraphernelia!! I'm practically listening to everything PTV right now. Back to what happened. So my friend was supposed to help me but this bum couldn't come so I was stuck on my own and somehow I actually skated a bit on my own using a tiny bit of my skills from regular roller skating. I fell a crap load though and this little kid just stared at me when I said I liked his helmet but oh well probably the stranger danger thing. I swear on my life kids that were 5 skated better than I did but it's okay since it was my first time. My cousins sucked though while I at least could glide and could sorta turn right or left. Since I thought I was so damn pro, I tried to spin but I fell on my ass so hard! So ice skating is something I won't do for awhile unless I get a professional teacher or something.

I did that during spring break so yeah and I also did younow almost every morning which is a record so if yall want to watch me you can follow me on there by the name of Jaida Precaido. Check me out I guess. By the way, I'll soon update Secrets and Typically Typical which is good because I mostly have my mojo now. For now, that's it and if you want to talk to me, you can kik me at halli950 even if it is the most random topic!!



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