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So I'm at school but I have two free periods so why not write when I have the time? So I wanted to know if yall have any suggestions for Typically Typical or Secrets? I mean I have ideas I just wanna hear what yall think so comment if you do and if you haven't read it then you should because you just should. 

Today we took this test which only had 16 questions and they told us to work on it for an hour and 15 minutes but I technically finished in like 30 and stalled for another 20 minutes or so because it was just that easy. I don't understand why they gave us that much time but oh well i'm done now so that is what matters. Has anyone read Dear Nobody? It's really sad and just plainly crazy but even though the guy she was dating abandoned her(Geoff) I always wondered what he was thinking and whether he felt bad after she died from Cystic Fibrosis. I practically feel bad for every person who has that now. I didn't even know what that was until I read the book so you guys should check it out. 

I for once in my life actually wrote a poem, well actually two but I like Breathe better than the other since I relate to it more. The other one is called Sinners. So i'll do Breathe first...

I'm letting myself swim

all alone 

I'm dodging all these 

underwater depths

no more imbecilic bets 

games, charades

of any kind

these sharks can't find me

can't scare me 

nor live up to what I am

I don't need all that spam

enveloping my head

I am a rock, solid as ever

but then sometimes I need to breathe

even for a second

and let my brain take in the chemicals

sweet, sweet

but for now i'll pretend

 I have everything in control

for it's when I breathe 

I let myself be


So that's breathe pretty much... now here's Sinners which is a tad shorter.

That's what I thought of

 when they sought

for a clear picture

of pretty much whatever

look how horrid and weary

they look 

I very much pity 

their no-where-near 

sensible acts 

of all people 

 obstinate and disobedient

I've ever laid eyes on

they might surpass

whatever rebellious messages

I've ever tried to deliver

because only a true


can recognize another 

one of their kind.

So that is both poems and I like them both but now i'm tired of writing so until next time or what ever....



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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