Wuthering Heights

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Catherine x Heathcliff

It was a stormy, cloudy day after Mr. Earnshaw died. It had been a struggle to get Catherine out of her room, but when I finally managed, it was no use. I had the idea of sitting outside, completely forgetting about the heavy downpour, in hopes of getting her to calm down. Last night, after we found Mr. Earnshaw dead, we cried ourselves to sleep in each other's arms. Hindley, being off at college, didn't even know about his father's ailment in detail. Catherine simply made light of it, for I kept her occupied. I could not bare to see her hurting in such a way.
She was restless. More so than normal even. She continually fixed, then refixed the book over her bed, throwing in painfully tight hugs towards me thrown in. Her hair was a mess and she had yet to touch the food that had been brought up at breakfast.
Eventually, after a good two hours, I grabbed her hand and pulled her outside.
I didn't mind the pouring rain. It reminded me of my childhood in Liverpool on the streets. Catherine, however, was not fairing as well.
She slipped in her shoes multiple times, the heels catching in the mud. But, she never once tried to free herself from my hand
The moors were barren of live but ours. A few scattered trees placed at random.
After some time, we reached a large tree that over looked the entire moor. We sat underneath it, looking for something to keep us dry. Well, I sat down; she curled herself into my lap.
"Will you please talk to me, Catherine?" I asked, raking my fingers through her long black hair, attempting to release some of the gathering knots.
"What would you like to talk about, Heathcliff?"she asked, leaning into my hand.
"You. What's on your mind?" I replied, saying the first thing that came to my mind.
"You know what's on my mind. My mother is dead. My father is dead. My brother is away and will soon have power over our home. The boy I love will never be with me. My life is simply a mess at the moment." She cried. She grabbed my free hand, the flesh looked like coal next to her paper white skin.
"And what in that is a mess?" I leaned my forehead towards her and looked into her emerald eyes.
She allowed a small chuckle to pass her lips as she pulled me forward. "I've fallen for a gypsy, and I'll be punished for it," she said, tilting her head.
"But I have fallen for an English lass, and I could be hung for thinking of such things," I mumbled, leaning forward, leaving an inch between us.
"Tis a shame," she said leaning a little closer, "my brother will not have it." She leaned in the remaining distance and connected our lips in a short, sweet, chaste kiss. "But, tell me why Hindley must ever know. Why should we tell Nelly or Joseph? Why must we be known?"
I smiled softly at her words, leaning in for another kiss.
"They will never know of us, my love," I whispered nuzzling into her rosy cheek. "But it will be a shame, as the world will never know something quite as sweet as this."
We kissed once more before heading in, the sky flashing white at contact, blinding everyone of what we had.

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