Chapter 1

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I was a virus.

Growing up, I was a happy boy. The fact that heterosexuality was a sin didn't bother me at all.

The homosexual world I was once labeled as "utopian"' turned completely upside down once I actually became self-aware of my feelings. It turned into the complete opposite, and once word was out that "two hetero teens, spawns of Satan himself, are hidden within the town," well . . . let's just say that I now considered the world a dystopian society.

"It is a sin for a man to lust after a woman," Mother Judith would say. "It is an abomination for a woman to lie with a man outside of the breeding season. Any such person harboring lust in their heart for the opposite sex will burn in hell."

It started with the surname Agincourt.

When my halo crumbled to pieces, I decided to leave it be. 

But when her halo broke, she carved the two halves into horns.

* * *

one hundred twenty-one days before

I SIGHED, PICKING at my cold scrambled eggs. They had turned into yellow mush. "Mitchell, finish your breakfast," my father uttered lazily, giving my other father a kiss on the cheek before rustling my hair. "I'm off then," Dane said. I waved good-bye to my dad as he shut the door behind him.

"Why didn't you ride with Axel?" My other father, Ivan, quizzed. I shrugged, refusing to eat my food. "Dad, can I leave now?" I said, suddenly feeling annoyed. Ivan sighed, and I made my way out of the kitchen before he had anything else to say. As I slammed the door closed, I immediately recognized the familiar smell of my older brother's nasty habit.

" 'Sup, faggot." Curtis' mouth twisted with amusement. Curtis was a blunt asshole. I felt his cognac eyes regarding me closely. Everyone liked him; even the people who hated him. "You're in a rush. Too busy jerking off this morning?" I gave my brother a flat look, making him chuckle.

"Bye, Curtis."

When I got to school, it was the usual; get to class, wait until it finishes, go to the next class. Being a junior wasn't so bad. One year away from now, and I'll be out of here. Too bad I wouldn't be graduating a year early like my older brother Nicolai.

I quickly twirled in my lock's code and opened my locker, shoving my English III junk inside. "Oh, look, it's trashy Mitch." A familiar sardonic voice spoke behind me. I automatically smirked, turning towards Samantha. "You're one to talk, Lava-Girl." I threw back at her. "My hair isn't pink, moron!" She pouted. "Red, Mitchell. Rojo, rouge, the color of your biological mother's popped cherry; do you need anymore examples?"

I opened my mouth to laugh, but was quickly surprised at the sight of a blonde girl beside Pippi Longstocking (Samantha). Awkwardly, her cold forest eyes locked with mine for less than a second. Hurriedly, I grabbed my extra notebook, slamming my locker door shut. The loud noise made Blondie jump. Sam gave me a strange look. "Oh, right, this-"

"Sorry, gotta go." I interrupted her. Sam narrowed her eyes at me. "We have the same class, idiot!" she yelled after me. I pretended to not hear her, pushing my way through the flock of students invading the hallways. I entered my Geometry class, earning a rewarding smile from Mrs. Felder. "Mitchell! You're early."

"Yeah," I mumbled distractedly. Who was that girl?

* * *

"AXEL, DO YOU mind?" Ivan scorned, giving Dane a look that said 'look-what-our-son-is-doing.' I glanced at Axel's full cheeks who was now taking smaller portions of food into his mouth. He glared at both of my dads, chewing slowly.

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