4,Kenny.......... Part 3

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Kenny's P.O.V......

I wailed and sobbed. "S-STOP!!!," I gaged. I really couldn't speak will cuz of this, martinet. He started to stuff me
into the suit. I sobbed harder. The whole thing was in me now. I got on my keens and stared at my long 6 fingers.
"YOU M-MADE MY L-LIFE WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I screamed. Now I could finally talk. I stopped bleeding. "Wanna see
your family again?," FredBear asked. I stode silent. I looked so creepy. I started to cry. "Don't be sad Kenny, I'm
still here, like always........,"

Carlos P.O.V........

My friends had left 28 minuets later, after they did, I looked out the window. "I lost everything, My mom, my dad,
and now Kenny," I started to sob silently. The doctor came in, "How is the tough boy doing, I heard about your
brother," The doc said. "And I'm really sorry,...... I also lost my family," I looked surprised. "You did?," I said looking
at him. He signed. "Yep, but now you need to move on to your life, you can't think about this all the time,". Tears
ran down my eyes, I wiped them away. "I guess your right," I said starting to look at the window. He smiled.
"Your friends gave me this to give it to you," he said tossing me a toy. I studied it. "Hey, isn't this from my brother's?," I asked him, he wasn't there, I guess he left. He was a plushie, it looked like a fox and a pirate. "I'll call
you,........, how about, Foxy?," I asked it. "Foxy it is," I hugged it and fell asleep.

3 hours later....

"HEY, YOU AWAKE?," Freddy said in the doorway. The rest were at the doorway also. I got startled. "YEAH HE
AWAKE," Chica said smiling. "Hey, y'all woke me u-," "THERE'S AN AWESOME NEWS," Bonnie said interuppting
me. I rolled my eyes. "What is the "good news", I asked looking at them. "You know, y'all could enter and stop
ACTING like stupied people," I said. They walked in. "THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT THERE MAKING A NEW
peeps think its good news!?!," I asked them half yelling. "FREDBEAR IS SO DAMN SHITTY," I said looking at the
window. They didn't say anything. "Uhh we were t-thinking about t-to celebrate when your out in three weeks to
t-the new restornaut," Bonnie stammbers. I rolled my eyes and stode silent. I signed. "F-Fine,". They cheered happily.
I wish I had said no to not go to that hell.

Kenny's P.O.V.

I stode silent. "I DON'T WANNA GO LIKE THIS!!!," I screamed. "I'm sorry Kenny, that's the only way," FredBear said
starting to get mad and scary. "I wanna be normal," "WANT TO SEE YOUR FAMILY OR NOT?," he roared. I flinched.
"F-Fine," I replied. "Here are some things you need to know," he said. "You won't be able to talk, nor move by your
own," "What you mean by, NOR MOVE ON YOUR OWN?," I asked madly. He snickerd. "KENNY, YOUR A PUPPET,
A PUPPET, PUPPETS CAN'T MOVE ON THEIR OWN," He laughed evilly. I fought my tears away. "NOOOO!!! I'LL
RATHER DIE!!!!!," I yelled. "Oh Kenny, when will you learn? Your areldy, DEAD," I couldn't take it no more, I
screamed of madness and started sobbing. He laughed with the other plushies. "Why me? Why?,"

3 weeks later....

One day before the restornaut I got out of the hospital. Then, the day had finely come, my nightmare day.

"Yes, all we need is Freddy!," Chica said hopping up and down of happiness. "Guys, I have a bad feeling about this.......," I said kinda frightened. "Relax bro, What Could Go Wrong?," Bonnie asked wrapping his hand around my
shoulder. Freddy came. "Hey guys I brought my brother, Fred, its his birthday," Freddy said smiling. "Awwww,"
Chica said. "Let's enter," Bonnie said. We did.

Hours later....

"This pizza is good," Chica said taking big bites. "Ikr," Bonnie said. We ate our pizzas. "This is the best day ever,".
"Uh, guys have y'all seen Fred?," Freddy asked. "Weren't you taking care of him?," I asked. "Yes, but he dissapered,"
Freddy replied. "Let's spread out," Bonnie suggested. We looked everywhere. "Nothing," I said. Fred came towards
us. "Fred, there you are, we were looking for you," Freddy said kinda mad. "I'm sorry, but I met a yellow bear," he
said smiling. "Yellow!?!," we all said at once. "Where?," Chica asked. "Follow me," we followed Fred. I had a really
bad idea about this. We entered a room with spare animatronic heads. "Whoa," Freddy said gazing everywhere.
"Its pretty dark in here guys," Chica said. I couldn't see that will. I heard a click near the door. "Guys y'all hear
that?," I asked. "Yep, someone closed the door," Bonnie said. "Fred, where's the yellow bear?," Chica asked. The
lights went on, and a yellow looking bear was near the doorway. "There he is!," Fred said. The bear was holding
a cake. "A cake?," Freddy asked. "I got a bad feeling about this guys," Freddy said stepping back. The bear started
to give us cake. Fred ate a piece, "Yummy, it tastes like ice cream cake," Fred said grabbing another piece. We ate.
So far the bear was nice, we were having fun, until the lights went out again. "Where he go?," Bonnie asked.
The lights turned on once again, but this time, the bear was holding a knife on his hand. He smiled. "Okay, now
I'm scared," Chica said stepping back a little. Then, the bear took of his disguise. "D-DAD?!?," I choked. He smiled,
Evilly, his eyes were pitch black. "W-Whats going o-on?," Freddy stammered. "Who wants to go first?," My dad
asked. "What you mean by t-," I didn't get to finish, he sliced Bonnie in half. His heart, bones,brain, lungs, ribs, and
other stuff was showing.

Tears ran down our eyes. Chica screamed. I stode staring at Bonnie, he went to the floor, dead. Freddy stode frozen.

Chica kept screaming. "Someone is yelling to go next," Vincent purred. He walked towards Chica. She sobbed.
"DAD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?," I screamed. I grabbed him, trying to stop him, he sliced my finger off. I screamed in pain. He kicked me and threw me against the wall. I was to weak to get up. I sobbed. "Let's
continue, little girl," he snickerd. He stabbed Chica in the stomach, twisting. I groaned. Freddy ran towards the door. Fred stode frozen, watching. He sobbed. Freddy struggled to get out. Chica went to the floor, dying. Vincent
walked towards Fred. "Your turn," Vincent said grabbing his sweater. He sobbed harder. Freddy jumped on Vincent. "DON'T KILL MY BROTHER!," Freddy screamed. My dad was able to grab him, he pulled him higher.
He sliced his head off, blood flew everywhere, I moaned in disgust. Fred sobbed even harder, "Now, its your turn,"
Vincent giggled. I watched in horror as he sliced Fred's eyes off, he screamed harder than us 4. My dad started
licking the eyes. I felt like vomiting. I gasped as he walked towards me. He was full of blood. "D-Dad, why?," I
whispered. He snickerd. He raised the knife, I waited for the pain. Nothing happened.

I looked up at him, "Just because your my son, Carlos, I won't kill you," he said lowering the knife. I stode silent.
He leaned in my ear, "Bitch," he whispered. "Can you keep a secret?," he asked me. I froze. "I'm gay," he smiled.
"Your g-gay?," I asked him. He nodded. "I ganna kill you, kk?," he said. "NO W-," To late, he stabbed me. Pain shot
through my body. I then saw black. I died.

Vincent's P.O.V.

I gasped in horror as I saw dead children. I looked at my son. "W-WHAT HAVE I D-DONE?!?," I screamed. "KIDS!
I'M SORRY, SOMEONE WAS CONTROLLING ME!! I'M NOT REALLY GAY!," I sobbed. I ran to the bathroom to wash

Kenny's P.O.V.

I gasped as I saw 5 dead kids. I had fallen asleep. One of them, was my brother. I slowly went towards him. I sobbed. "CARLOS!," I thought. I couldn't talk. I was a puppet, I have been in this room for 3 weeks. In my box, music playing over and over agian. I stared at the animatronic heads. "I could save them," I thought.

Hey guys I'll work on this soon, hope you enjoyed! xD

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