Chapter three

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It's been tough for me because I can't actually avoid him, no seriosly, he pops up everywhere it sometimes scares me.
I try to ignore him as it is but he's just always there. 
After a long 3rd period,Chloe, Holly, Hayley, Katie and I sat on our lunch table together like we always do. And they all know about my crush so they can tell if he's there or not by the look on my face.   HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME. I heard him talk and I swivelled round. He saw me and winked but I shook my head and turned around back to the table my friends were all smiling at me so I smiled along, that is until he started to talk to me. "Hey Lilly i know I said I won't but can you do my homework for me?"  CAN YOU BELIEVE HIM!?!?   
I don't know if I can do this anymore...

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