Chapter four

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I start the same every day so you know.
But today was my birthday! My sister bought me a badge and so of corse I had to wear it at school because I knew it would make her day.
My friends all gave me a birthday hug, so where do I start,
Holly: a  girl the same age of me and also is the oldest twin she is very quiet and reminds me of a mouse.
Chloe: the younger twin, she will not let anyone get in her way and is very kind to everyone unless they have a reason of making her mad. She reminds me of a cat.
Hayley: she is smart funny and can be very aggressive when one annoys her. She reminds me of a fox.
Katie: a girl who has a child like mind and is obsessed with unicorns, yes, unicorns. She reminds me of a pony I don't know why.
They all got me a gift that they put a lot of thought to and I appreciated it a lot.
They day had to get even better didn't it?! He comes and says happy birthday to me. So I politely said thank you an walked away but then my friends started to sing happy birthday to me and everyone joined in and he was sniggering like a pig. (I have mixed feelings about him.) but the day continued as usual but there really was nothing different to my usual happenings.

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