"Hey There, Delilah."

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Part 1:

Louis Tomlinson was my best friend. He was always there for me. We were close. We weren't dating. We were just really good friends. Close friends. When I was 17, my parents died. Louis was the same age as me. His parents died when mine did. A plane crash.

When they died, I had no where to go. I did not want to go to some orphanage. Louis lived with his aunt. She didn't care what he did. He just stayed there. She was gone most of the time anyways. Louis called her up and asked if I could live with them. She didn't mind. She said that I would pretty much have the house to myself. We were both 17 and living together. Not dating. Just friends. Before our parents died, we went to a public high school. Louis and I agreed to home school each other. That's how I found out his secret.  

He could sing. Louis was a really good singer. I could sing a-little, but not as good as Louis. We needed money and we knew what to do. We decided to put on a one song concert to see how much we would get. Louis and I did a duet. It was our first. We sang "Hey there, Delilah." We did so good that we made over a hundred dollars. That's when we decided to throw mini concerts and get money. That helped pay the rent off the house. It also paid for groceries. What I am about to tell you is how Louis' and my eyes opened. It wasn't going to be easy, but we were there for each other. Here is our story:

Louis and I had gotten home that night from our mini concert we held at the pizza parlor. When we got home, Louis counted up the money and pushed it into a box. For saving. I decided to watch tv. I was flipping through the channels, when a commercial caught my attention. "Ladies and Gentleman, it's now time to audition for the X Factor. We have decided to keep this one all male. Ages 17-21. If you have an amazing voice, call in to register." That's what caught my attention.

"Hey, Louis come here for a sec." I yell to him. I can hear him walking down the stairs.

"What do you want Reagan?"

"I saw a commercial. Have you ever heard of the X Factor?" I say hoping he will give in.

"Yeah, but why?" He says looking confused.

"I am going to register you for it. You could become famous. This time if you move on, they will put guys into a band according to their singing ability." I say staring him down.

"Um, I don't know. What if I forget the lyrics and then I'm in tv and yeah."

"I have the perfect song in min for you to sing." I grab my iPod and press play.

"Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City? I'm s thousand miles away, but girl tonight you look so pretty. Yes you do. Oh Times Square can't shine as bright as you." I stop it and smile.

"Well will you do it for me?" I say giving him a pouty face.

He looks at the ground. "I'll sing that song for you. Sign me up Rea-Rea." He laughs. "Oh I already did."

The phone rings and I go to answer it.

"Hello? Yes this is she. Yes I signed him up. Two days. Ok great thanks. Bye." I hang the phone up.

"Your in!" We both smile and hug each other. "Reagan, what if I do win? Will you be with me there?"

"Of course. I signed you up, so I'm going. We leave tomorrow. So pack tonight. Oh and wear something that people will never forget when your on that stage." I smile to him.

"Oh trust me they won't forget." Louis says heading up stairs.

Louis, POV

I Walk up the stairs an grab a suitcase. I throw in some red jeans. A striped shirt. Some red suspenders. And some white shoes. My outfit for stage. I then throw in what ill wear in between that time.

I pull the covers and get into bed. I am so tired. So much excitement just makes me tired. Hmm.

I better go to sleep because of the long day ahead tomorrow. I am nervous about it. Well, everybody here will be supporting it. Reagan wants me to. Ill do it for her. At least I know the song already.

InseparableNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ