3 years later...

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***3 years later...***

It's been three years today since i changed my life. I dyed my hair brown and got bangs. My name is now Eleanor Calder. My mothers middle name was Eleanor an my fathers middle name was Calder. I'm a famous model now. I have kept away from One Direction as much as I can. I haven't seen them for three years when Louis cheated on me. I thought he loved me. Guess not.

I have to go to a magazine shoot today. Some famous celebrities are going to choose outfits in what they like a girl wearing. I'm the model. Yippee. I don't even know who I'm modeling with.

I have thirty minutes till I have to be there. I brush my teeth and slide some sweatpants on and a tee shirt. I don't even do my makeup. As the studio people do it for me. I decide to go to the shoot early.

I grab my keys and drive their. Soon, I pull into the parking area. Security guards hurry over. I have a lot of fans. Paparazzi are taking pictures and all that mess. John, my security guard puts a jacket around me and walks me inside. Then I see them. The celebrities for the shoot.

One Direction.


Cameras were going off so that meant the famous model was here. I wonder what she looked like. I didn't really get with girls anymore. Hannah and I just broke up a few days ago. She was never happy. Jut using me.

I see John her security guard walk to us. He takes off her jacket. I've never seen her before just by telling by her hair. She was wearing big sunglasses that nearly covered her face. She takes them off to greet us. She looks disgusted. I've seen her before to think about it.

"Hello, I'm Eleanor Calder. Ill be your model." That's all she says and walks off. That name does ring a bell but I can't think right.


He doesn't even recognize me. Yay. I've gotten over him. Virginia still models with me, but she isn't modeling with One Direction today. She is here because I'm here. She still calls me Reagan. She said that she will never get used to Eleanor.

I walk off to my changing room and put the first outfit on. On the hanger it says "Louis." Oh great he's first.

"Reagan, how are you. I see One Direction out there. How you holding up?" Virginia says.

"I've gotten over Louis. He didn't even recognize me. It doesn't even matter to him that Reagan doesn't exist. He has a girlfriend." I say.

"Well, I still call you Reagan, well just be glad that you've moved on. I've got to go find the room for me to prepare."

"Alright see ya later." I say smiling.


I decided to look for a bathroom. When I figured I was lost, I heard Eleanor talking to some girl so I decided to spy on them.

"Reagan, how are you. I see One Direction out there. How you holding up?" One girl says.

Is Eleanor really Reagan. Reagan changed her name. She dyed her hair. I found her.

"I've gotten over Louis. He didn't even recognize me. It doesn't even matter to him that Reagan exist. He has a girlfriend." Eleanor/Reagan says.

She moved on. I still love her. Hannah just wanted the fame and fortune. I thought she wanted me but I guess I was blind.

The other girl talks some more but I make a run back to the other lads.

"Guys, I've found Reagan."

Liam speaks first. "Louis, you sure? We've been looking for years and nothing."

"Liam, Eleanor is Reagan. I over heard her friend talking and they even said my name. I'm pretty sure I heard right."

"Louis, get your girl back." Niall says.

"Niall, I can't. That's the thing. She's moved on. She even told her friend that she moved on." I say.

"Nothing is stopping me from telling you to get her back, so go get her."

I nod my head.

I'm going to get my Reagan back.



~Nah Nah

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