2: wrong time

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"Maybe we weren't meant for each other, or maybe we met at the wrong time."

- CJ -

     I jumped off the stool I'm seating on and started looking for my best friend. The hues are slowly coloring up my entire vision and I couldn't shrug off the fear and excitement that is bubbling up in my stomach. I saw Lily's familiar haircut and I immediately ran towards her direction while apologizing to a bunch of people who I accidentally bumped myself against due to my haste. With sweaty palms and erratic breathing, I touched her shoulder and she immediately turned to look at me, her smile slowly fading into a frown when she noticed my current state.

     "What the hell is happening to you? You're so pale." She told me as she reached the back of her hand to my forehead to check my temperature, but the color of my face contradicts the warmth I am feeling inside. Lily excused us from the people she was talking with only to bring me back to the kitchen and sat me down. My heartbeat remained at a quick pace and it's going crazy inside of my ribcage, making me nauseous and my breathing rather difficult as she handed me a glass of water and urged me to drink.

     I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

     I don't know whether I should feel excited, a little scared, or maybe happy that I'm in the same house with someone who was made for me, but it's undeniable that the fear inside of me is arising which caused the other emotions that are pumping through my veins are getting washed away.

     "I...oh, my god. I don't know what the fuck to say." I told my Lily. It's true, though. Earlier, I had so much to say, but now, I don't know what to say at all. I looked at my best friend, she remained silent and didn't rush my words, knowing that I am overwhelmed over some unknown reason and she instead rubbed my shoulders to try and calm me. Just a few minutes ago, I was giving up on finding my true love and am deciding on settling with deathly loneliness, and now, I am under the same roof with them with complicated feelings inside of me due to their known presence.

     "Lily...your eyes...they change colors, don't they?.." I asked her and she nodded her head.

     "Yes, they're naturally hazel, but right now I think they're-"

     "Green?" I whispered shakily and she took out her phone to check her eye color. When she saw what color it was, she looked at me with wide eyes and I closed my eyes while sighing deeply.

     "Oh, my God." Lily whispered and I opened my eyes. My God, indeed, please help me. I'm thanking the heavens above for finally gifting me with colorful visions, but currently, I am too overwhelmed to even appreciate the faded beauty of colors I am seeing.

     "Should we look for them? The colors will turn vibrant when you see them." She told me and I nodded my head. My heart didn't slow down a bit and instead of doing so, it quickened even more at an unimaginable speed. I ran my hand over my hair before holding a thin thread of hair between my fingers and observed the color. I held hands with Lily as we walked up the middle of the long stairs and went to the balcony that gave view to the people on the ground level of the house where some are dancing, some are drinking, and some are kissing. Lily gripped my hand tightly as I looked at the crowd, my tears starting to build up in my waterline as I've seen no one that made these faded colors turn vibrant.

     "Seen them yet?" Lily asked and I didn't answer.

     I stopped searching the crowd and turned around to look up the top of the stairs. A guy who was leaning against the balcony looked at the crowd of people on the floor, his expressionless face being lit up by the different colors coming from the party lights. I stared at him and my heart stopped beating for a second, and then I have come to a realization.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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