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d e s t i n y a g e t e n

dear papa,

today is my last year of grandschule, then i'll be separated according to my abilities.

i'd really like to be in gymnasium, but so does everyone else.

oma and opa said i'm smart and capable enough to attend the highest education.

i wish you were here to congratulate me on my last year of grandschule like all my friends' parents.

mama left the country.

she said she was going to find us a better life in england.

i want to stay here, though.

if we move to england, will you be there?

will you come and visit us?

or will it be like it is here?

i told my class mates that you were a player to borussia dortmund. number 37, defender.

they laughed at me, saying i made it up just so they wouldn't think i didn't have a dad.

but it's true, i know it is.

i wish you were here to tell them it was true.

please, papa.



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