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d e s t i n y ❁ a g e s i x t e e n

dear pa,

i got my heart broken today.

it was noah.

he asked me out on our tenth date, and then dumped in front of all his friends.

they made fun of me and said noah never loved me.

i wish you were here so you could beat him for hurting me.

but you aren't, and i've gotten quite used to it.

uncle marco got married and his wife had a little girl.

they named her farica, meaning 'peace'.

why did you and ma name me destiny?

speaking of ma,

she's gone.

apparently she was coming back from england to give me a box.

unfortunately, the plane crashed, and i was delivered the box by a police that was at the airport.

now, my only family is uncle marco and his family.

i can't see oma and opa either, because they've been sent to a retirement home far away from our city.

i hope you're happy wherever you are.



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