Short 1- The Boy Who Was Bruised

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Leaves falling made of marvelous golden, ruby, and crisp browns fell as a lone boy walked down the pavement. The fall air sent shivers and chills up his spine, as his flannel shirt couldn't keep him warm enough. His hair fell across his face, so no one could see his facial features. Keeping them hidden from world but two bruises were sitting on his cheek. Sickeningly shades of purple and blue danced across his ghostly pale face. As he walked, his head was looking down at his feet. His body was rigid and self-conscious as he walked. He seemed to look sickly. As the boy walked, a girl walked past him but stopped dead in her tracks. She looked about the same age as he. She turned around, on her face was a look of worry and adoration for the boy. She had ran to him and turned him around and took the burgundy scarf that was wrapped around her, wrapped it around him and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. She let her hand linger on his face as to say it would be okay and turned to walk. But a hand wrapped around her delicate wrist and he tugged her back to him. Wrapped in his warm arms, he lent down and gave her a small peck and much to his shock, she returned the small gesture. He handed her something, her face beaming from the gorgeous boy's gift, he let her go. He turned to walk around and they both parted ways beaming with glee. As the girl walked away, it became obvious she was no normal girl. She started to glow with a bright, diamond effect around her. White feathers encircled her small body and white wings spread from her back, little to the boy's knowledge. Her smile still engraved
on her face as she headed for the sky.

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