Aidragun and Eve

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So school started and the day was normal, nothing unusual at all and I was eating lunch with my teacher and I went to dump my tray and out of no where appeared to girls who grab my by the shoulder. With that my body started to react that i grab her hand and was about to twist it and saw that it Eve.

"Zheng we need to talk, now." said Eve and with that she push me towards the wall
"What is it?" I ask
"Zheng I know we've been friends for a real long time and I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"Does Aidragun like anybody?" said eve pushing me towards the wall harder

"I'm not sure, why don't you ask him your self?" I said and at that moment it hit me, Eve liked Aidragun. That explains everything no wonder I've seen these two be flirting around so much.

She didn't tell me why she didn't do it but I knew already.

"You like Aidragun don't you." and I was smiling
"Zheng don't act so smart because I know who you like?" said Eve

"Really who is it than huh?" I ask
"Lil isn't it Zheng." said Eve

At that moment I was shock how did she knew who I like, the only person who knew was Aidragun, Jen, and Selina.

Wait sorry you guys don't know Selina right anywas I got on the bus and I always sit with this girl name Selina Yu, I'm not sure but i think she said she was a descendant of Guan Yu one of the 5 tiger general in one of China's dynasty and help the shu kingdom. So Selina is a really close friend of me and just today I told her who I like and I wish I could take that back but I couldn't. I told her that I was madly in love with Lil.

"Who told you, Eve?"I ask

"Can't say the person's name Zheng." said Eve

"I'll make a deal with you, if you tell me who told you this I'll help you with Aidragun."

"Fine it was Selina and she also told Lil about it." said Eve

Boom that hit me hard, my friend told the person I like that I love Lil. Oh my god this explains why yesterday at the end of the day Lil wasn't talking to me like usual.

"Zheng does Aidragun like anyone at all?" ask Eve

"Not right now I guess." I said

So I walk with her in to our English classroom and in there was a few people who ate with the teacher like me, Eve, Tai si, Lil, Aidragun, and other kids. No wonder Lil has been avoiding me because she knew that I love her.

So it was 7th period and i got classes with Selina.

"Selina why did you tell Lil I like her." I said
"It wasn't me I didn't even do it." she said

"You're lying aren't you Selina?" I ask her

"I'm not." she said

With that I left and went back to work and Lil stopped talking to me as the days and week s went by and in my head I was wondering how did this happen, guess it was my fault for telling to much people.

"Aidragun do you like anybody at all?" I ask him
"No I like no one." he said
"Hey why don't you go out with Eve, I mean both of you flirt a lot right." I said

"I do like her but I've dated her best friends and it's weird dating her." he said going to the other side of the school to get on his bus.

That moment when I got home my head started to hurt and it felt like I was losing my head. How did everything good in my life turn upside down so fast. It fells like my heart is getting stabbed by a knife that keeps going in my hear and it's been 2 weeks and 3 days since we stopped talking. Why is this happen, the next thing I knew my body started to felt weak, my legs were shaking so bad, and then it felt like as if I was slowing dying little by little. I might not be able to get her back anymore now but I still love her with my life. I'm not sure if she knows this but I love her more than anything in the whole wide world.

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