The sweet awkwardness

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As the excided Mario walked around with you, luigi tried not to look at you to keep things not strange. You say to luigi as mario blabbers on,"Its so nice here. Thank you guys for showing me around!""You're w-welcome(y/n)" Mario shouted "LAST STOP!!!" "That is a BIG castle!" you say.

You three walk out of the castle laughing, and they took you home. "You go on and head on home now, mario,"luigi told his hyper-active bro."Okie-Dokie!" Luigi awkwardly asks, "S-so... uhhh... do-do you want to... uhh go get some (your favorite food) and ice cream t-t-tomorrow?" "Yes, that would he great." What he didn't know, is that you have a HUGE crush on him. So sweet!

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