How could you

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A couple of weeks before halloween, you went to a party at Peach's castle. Everyone was there, including Daisy. It was about ten o'clock, and you have had way too much punch, so you tell luigi, "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" As you walked back from the bathroom, you saw Daisy talking to luigi, and you had no idea what they where talking about. You got an angered feeling over you, until Daisy saw you. She grabbed luigi and kissed him. She watched you as your heart ripped to shreds, and she pointed at you and laughed. You ran off too quickly to see Luigi yell at her. He turned around, seeing you run off crying, and he chased after you. Your sister saw you and ran after you too.

After your sister found you, Luigi was still looking. When (y/s= your sister) (y/s) found you and you told her what you saw, she goes and shouts at luigi saying, "How could you do this to (y/n)! She loved you, and you ripped he heart to bits! I should kill you where you stand!" She picked him up by his shirt collar and threw him on the ground. He goes home and cries into his pillow, thinking he'll never see you again. You lay in your bed, saying to your self "I knew it was too good to be true. You were just being used. I'm never coming out of my room again!"

A few days later, he comes to your house and tells you what actually happened. After he does, you hug him tight, and forgive him. Afterwards, you go outside, and see Daisy. Luigi couldn't hold you back this time...


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