Chapter 2 - A Thousand Memories

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Chapter 2 – A Thousand Memories

I wandered into what must have been the living room but the walls, rather than being filled with pictures of a younger Eric with his family by the seaside, were almost completely bare with only the odd postcard here and there showing the places he had been to in the war.  There was only one picture of him with two people – two men and one woman.  I made a mental note to ask him about that later.

“Admiring my pictures I see,” his voice startled me and I jumped slightly, though I could hear the smile in his voice and knew that he wasn’t mad at me for wandering further into his home.

“ startled me,” I smiled at him.  “I see there aren’t many pictures of real people.”  That was my subtle invitation for him to explain the lack of life in his pictures.  An invitation he obviously didn’t accept.

“Yeah...just the one I’m afraid.”

“Who’s the girl?” I asked my voice dripping with natural curiosity one could only expect of a reporter.

“Not jealous surely,” he teased.  “You’ve known me all of five minutes.”

“Not jealous, no...just curious.”  I looked at him imploringly, silently begging him to open up and give me more information.

“I have thousands of memories from the war – some good, some bad.  Right now I don’t feel ready to share any of them.  Maybe another time?  How long will you be staying?”

“Only a couple of weeks.  Don’t worry – I’ll be out of your hair soon,” I stated almost sarcastically.  “Anyway I’m tired – I’ve travelled a long way to get here today so I’ll be off to bed.  If you could show me to my room?”

“Not a problem.  Just follow me.”  He led me out of the room and up the stairs.  I looked at more pictures of different places on the way up the stairs.  There were some of beaches with palm trees, some of sandy deserts, and even some of exotic palaces, adorned with ornate images created by foreign artists.

“Here’s your room,” he said, completely unaware of my engrossment in his pictures.  “I trust you don’t need me to tuck you in or help you change?” 

“No thanks...I think I can manage that by myself.”  I smiled at him and stuck my tongue out in a completely childish gesture.  To my surprise he gave me a hesitant smile and returned the gesture.

“Well goodnight then?” he said, reminding me at once of the weariness I had completely forgotten in our brief moment of camaraderie.

“Yes...goodnight.  Talk to you tomorrow.”  I quickly got changed into my night clothes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.  Tomorrow I would try again to make Eric open up.  Who knew if I would succeed but tomorrow was a new day...and a fresh start.

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