Chapter 2- Out free

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After 2 days
Well, today is the day when I will be free to the outer world!


It has been 27 years! But still I am not happy? I am not getting free for living! I have to remeber my own aime. REVENGE.
They say that it is now 2015!! Woow!! I have been dead since soo long!!? DEAD!! I wonder how will my hometown look like! Will they be dead too? I don't know what will I see in the living word! The one that I once belonged to. That my life was brutly killed there! I don't know if stuff changed? I cant imagine! Did it get worse? Did it get better?! Do they already now know that it wasn't me the killer! Is there any new clue! Or did they just close the case?

Did the murderer die?!

Is he in hell now?!

Burning like apiece of dirty meet?!

I will just have to discover this. I never thought of becoming a ghost! I once feared them! Now I am one of them! Some ghosts here, seek revenge! And some here, want to keep an eye on their beloved ones! I am from the first group. The one that seeks revenge! I don't have beloved ones alive to keep an eye on them! We don't form friends here! Only once alive friends do! But I have non! They all all all betrayed me!
I don't know how I look like now?! We don't have mirrors to see! Plus we are transparent! But still we can be seen if we want to be.


Why does have to happen to me! I was once a peiceful girl! Now I am just a ghost seeking revenge! I never expected that! But I love mom and dad! I will get there rights back! Revenge!!

As a ghost I am capable of doing stuff, a normal human can not do! I am able to be trasparent! I can change! And I can float in the air! Wooooow! But even though I heard that also humans nowadays can!! I heard gossips from ghosts about something called Airoplames! I don't know what the hell is this! Or how it looks like! But I heard it flies! It makes humans fly!??! FANTASTIC right! Imagine flying! Woow!

But anyways a ghost can fly. And flying is not why I am becoming one! I am becoming a ghost to seek revenge from the murderer. I feel bad and angry cause I am gonna see his ugly face! When I remeber what he did to my parents, and how he let me die; I feel like vomiting! Still ghosts don't eat! Some say that we can enter human bodies and control it the way we like! But I won't do this. I don't want to Turture any human.


I will show him the darkness of night! The burning of hell fire! The hurt he made me feel. The detest I owe him! I won't give him murcy. I will give him simply pain. Deadly unbearable pain. I won't bother his exuse! I wont stop! Nothing will stop me from taking revenge! And today I will start my mission! Today his misery starts! Today I will be an official ghost! And he won't like it.

I have been waiting to get released since so long! I am very angry! I will make him...

Suddenly the doors of the living side opens! A massive amount of bright light is released! We get told to move fast through it! We then are told to say our destination. I say my hometown. And then they tell us to do something. I simply do as said! When I am finally out of light I see a strange thing! I am standing or more like floughting on a road! I feel nothing!

Where am I??

*NIAON STREET* I read from one of the signs!

The place have changed! Everything did! There are moving metallic boxes! I see a statue! It belonged to my old town! Were all people betrayed me! This must be my town! It looks so different! It looks more crowded! But not by humans! By moving steel containers! I also can see ghosts! Lots of ghosts! Following people! And then I see a gigantic moving steel box! What is this! It has wheels! 4 wheels! It looks wierd! Still amazing! I like it here! I slowly turn towards a street I believe belonged to our house way! Wierd stores are on each side of the street! This is where I lived! Where my family and I shared! Where I got betrayed!




The rounds! The shops! They look so different! They are made of glass! There is very odd clothing displayed?! How can someone wear such junk! I will look like a clown! Then I see a photo of a girl. It is sticked on a tree.


If ever found, please be kind and quickly dial this no. :


Then I see a small girl standing under the tree! I hear her sobbing! She doesnt look alive! More like dead! A ghost! Then she slowly and creeply turns around and looks at me! She...


"Run! He is gonna catch you! Run!" The girl cries to me! I jerk back! This is so scary! Her eyes are tearing blood! Her nose is stitched close! Her eyebrows! They are removed! Even though! ? She is a small child! 8 years maybe!! She looks misrable! Oh my god! I feel my heart get ripped! I just stand there freezed! It reminds me of me! That she is young! She has to go through this all! Se how cruel the world can be! Get hurt! Be sad! Still she tells me run!

"Move away!! SHE IS MINE!" A mad insane gigantic mascular man ghost hits me and suddenly the girl starts running and he chases her fast! Oh my god! He must be the murderer! How? How could someone do such a thing! Then they disappear in thin air. I let out a shaky breath! I continue floating!

Where will I find him!?

I don't know if I will stand him!

Be able to look at him!

I feel that I won't be able to do it!

That I am nicer than this!

Or will I be strong?!

Will I avenge!

I keep scanning the place.

The place here is soo odd!!

Then I see madusa!!


I keep looking at it! It is a photo! Like the ones I used to see in movies when mom used to take me to cinema! It is a green and white women! With crazy hair! What is this place!

Star bucks

What does this mean! I slowly head/ float towards the shop! I put my hand on the handle slowly.

What the heck!?

My hand passes through the handle!

I can't touch it!

I can't feel it!

This must be a ghost thingy! I pass my hand through the glass door! It passed easily! Like the glass is made up of thin air! Nothing! I pass through the door! When I am inside! I can't smell anything! I see some people drinking something brown! What is this?! How does it taste! They seem to realy enjoy it! Then I see a guy! He is sitting on the chair. Writing something on a paper! He is smiling happily! He has silky brown hair! Fine tall body!Very Familiar green dreamy eyes! But they are not cold?! They seem so warm?!! Do nice! He is soo handsome! He looks familiar! He looks like my once was uncle?! He is soo handsome! Nothing compared to that brat! Suddenly, he lifts his head up and smile wider! He is looking at me! Or that is what I think!

"Hey, don't stand there. Come sit down" he tells me?!?!?! I think..

Are you series!?

What the hell!!!

Can you see me!

But, How?!?!?!

Is this even possible!?


Is he a ghost?!

"Sure." A female voice speaks behind me.


Hope you liked it ;)

S.H.A.T.T.E.R.E.DWhere stories live. Discover now