Chapter 4- He can see me!

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"Good!!! Woooow!! Now may the murderer rot in hell!" The girl cheers happily clapping her hands together! Every one looks at them again! But they laugh at her action!! Blake happily smiles wide at her reaction, but I freeze...


"Yah! Finally!" He agrees!


"So how about we go meet your mom now! It has been soo long since I last saw her! I missed her so much! We can go cheer her up! She needs us! And so do we!" She tells him happily and with soo much sencerity in her voice. She joins her hand with his.

I feel sick!

Yet confused!

Who is dead!

Who is his father?!

Why is he a murderer!

Could it be?

Could it be him!


He nods his head towards her and they start standing up and heading out of the shop! He gets something out of his pocket; small green sheets of papers,and leaves it on the table and start walking.

Just as they walk up towards the door I am standing infront of, he moves her away passing by me!

Like he doesn't want her to hit me?!

Oh my god!

It is like he sees me!

He knows I am standing there!

Can he see me!?

"Go head I will follow you in a second!" Blake tells her as he motions her out of the door!

"Okay" she mouths him then gets out of the shop heading towards a black metallic box! Suddenly he stands infront of me! My eyes are wide and open! He is looking at me directly in the eye! Like he is looking at someone real! Someone alive!

What is happining!

He can see me!?

"Hi" he says huskly! I gape at him!

What on earth!

He clears his throat grabbing my attention!

"You are new! I didn't see you around here! I am Blake. Where are you from?!! " He says huskly! I turn my head right left and look to the back finding no one! Then I look at him again still eyes wide opened! He clears his throut again!

Then it hit me like a rock!

He is talking to me!


Like he can see me clearly!?

Like I am really standing infront of him!

" You.. Are" My voice comes out low with disbelieve! I point my fingers towards my chest!

"I guess! No one is standing here but you." He says as if stating the obvious.

"But.... how?? I am.." he cuts me off!

"I know! I know! You are a beautiful looking ghost and I am a living human! I know!" He says to me shaking his head!


"Aaah..." I state at him still confused!

How can he see me?!


"I can see you because...long story! But to make it short, I died then came back to live! So it is like I see the dead! A ghost seer!" He says rubbing the back of his head! His arms muscles are *12345779907867* undescribable!

I am drooling??!


He died?!


Who would try to kill him!

He survived after death!

Is this possible!?

"!" My voice comes out dry and shakey with disbelieve!

He looks at me and smiles sadly!

"It is along story I told you! Any ways it doesn't matter! You can come to me anytime! Tell me your story! And I will help! I do that a lot! All ghosts in this town know me!" He tells me!

The way he talks to me!

He talks to me as if I am a real person!


Help me!

Too late..

I am here for revenge!


"What do you mean? I am not here for help!" I ask him calmer now.

"Well.." he gets cut with the femine girl!

"Babe common I don't want to be late!" She drags him out as he keeps staring at me....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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