Chapter One

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A.N:So recently I started watching the t.v series Reign and rewatching Merlin. I also started reading the Throne of Glass series and felt inspired to get back to writing this work. I did a little editting to but it could still have mistakes. Anyway i hope you enjoy reading it. Let me know what you think as i'm writing in a different point of view to my Order of Light series.

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Merida stood knee deep in the river watching silver fish swim by slowly, before stabbing at them with the stick in her hand. She growled in frustration when she realised she was unsuccessful. A booming laugh from beside her only aggravated her more.

"It's not funny father!" she snapped glaring at the powerfully built, thin haired man beside her. Though quite old, he was still strong.

"I've told you before Merida, you need to have patience. Let them come to you and then make your move" he laughed. "You're always charging ahead. You need to slow down sometimes". He stepped in behind her placing his hand over hers on the stick.

"Now watch" he whispered. They stood there for several moments unmoving, watching as a large fish swam bravely toward them. Merida went to move, but he stopped her, stilling her with a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Wait for it" he instructed. She frowned with impatience and watched it swim closer and closer until it was almost wiggling around her ankles. With a sudden graceful move he pushed her arm forth. The water turned crimson for a brief moment telling her the fish had finally been caught.

She squealed with triumph pulling it from the water. Its elegant silver tail flapped busily as the sunlight cast a rainbow of colours across its gleaming scales. Her father pulled the fish off the stick and slammed it off the rock, a move that Merida had always found a little vulgar and cruel, but knew had to be done.

"Have you finally managed to catch our dinner?" someone asked behind them. She turned to see her mother watching them with amusement and her little brother, Will, clutching her blue skirts.

"We did" Her father replied smiling adoringly at her and holding up the fish before tossing it into a bucket with the rest Merida had watched him catch earlier before insisting on trying herself.

"Well it looks like we will have plenty for everyone at the banquet so" her mother smiled. "Come along Merida, it's time for you to get ready, after all it is in your honour" she added turning back toward their house. Merida followed, having almost forgotten about the banquet being held in the village for her birthday.

The little village of Emeris, spread out over the horizon, under a constant cloud of smoke. It was littered with quaint houses. It was so small that barely any outsiders had ever heard of it. The locals were a simple, fun loving close knit group of people. Everyone knew each other and with so few living there, birthdays for the younger charges were made into a large banquet everyone attended.

It had been Merida's home all of her life and sat on the edge of Adelyn, a powerful and mighty Kingdom. Though she had never been there, Merida had heard many stories of its brave knights, fighting dragons and tyrannical war Lords seeking ultimate power. Its walls were said to be so strong that no one could, or ever had breached them.

King Milner, a widow as of three years previous, was a gracious ruler that cared for his people. His son, Prince Rayne, was said to be handsome but rather self-absorbed a trait that did not bode well with Merida. His younger sister, Eleanor was said to be a pretty, sweet but a rather reckless girl. However that was all hearsay. Merida had never been to Adelyn even though her Aunt Helena had invited her often and could not judge them when she didn't know them.

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