Chapter Two

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Somewhere deep in her consciousness she knew it was a dream. She was walking through a forest, the frost strewn grass crunched loudly beneath her feet with each step. It echoed back through the trees, rebounding off their trunks. She leapt when the silence was suddenly broken by panicked screams and the harsh pounding of hooves. A mighty white steed suddenly shot out of the dark depths of the forest, heading straight toward her.

She froze, her legs refusing to obey as it came fast. She screamed throwing up her hands protectively but nothing happened. It passed right through her, as if it were a ghost. She saw a haze of golden curls and bright pinks skirts when she turned. The young girl screamed again clinging on for dear life.

The horse suddenly skidded violently, losing its footing. It tumbled, the girl thrown from its back and sent sailing through the air like a mere doll in a flurry of colour. She watched horrified as the girl's body crashed to the ground, colliding with a clutter of stones which tore her flesh to shreds.

Her head snapped back with the impact, striking a large rock, the sheer force crushing her skull. Crimson spurted from her head spreading through her golden locks. An anguished cry carried through the canopy, turning Merida's blood cold. Her gaze settled on the young man running toward the girl's remains. He was clad in a sky blue tunic, emblazoned with a silver dragon and encased in armour and weaponry.

His handsome, sallow skinned face was twisted with grief beneath rich brown curls. His bright green eyes were framed with tears. Another anguished cry more terrible and heart wrenching than before, escaped his lips before he disappeared.

She saw fire and heard tortured screams. The smoke choked her, burning her throat. Men rode horses, clad in black and stormed through the village setting everything in their path alight. People she knew, ran for their lives grabbing children. Other men chased down innocent women, grabbing their hair in their fists and dragging them down, before clambering atop of them and doing unspeakable things.

She saw more flames claim a house. They grew bigger, spreading out and claiming everything in sight. Her parents and brother stood in the window screaming at her, their screams sickening and slicing through her heart with each repeat. Flames encased them, searing their skin and burning it to a crisp before her very eyes. She screamed and screamed, unable to move to save them.

Landon suddenly stood before her, sword in hand, marching toward one of the men in black determination clear on his face. The man laughed, a flash of silver and crimson blurred her vision and she screamed, seeing Landon crumple lifeless to the ground. She heard another scream and awoke realising it was her own.

"Merida!" someone called as she blinked in the dim light.

Her parents were by her side.

"It's alright, your safe my love" her mother said soothingly, clutching her tightly.

"What happened?" her father asked.

"It was just a nightmare" she replied fighting the images that tried to takeover.

"It must have been a terrible nightmare to bring such screams from your lips". She was about to reply, when the screaming started, sending an icy cold sliver down her back.

"What on earth?" Iliana exclaimed, releasing her daughter and peering out the window. Her face turned pale white.

"Gerard" she cried, but he was already by her side.

"My God" he cried, storming out the door with Merida close on his heels before Iliana could stop her. She stared in horror at the village that had been so peaceful several hours before, but was now ablaze under the moon. What frightened her most was the fact that it was exactly like her dream. People were running to and fro in complete chaos.

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