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Jeanette's p.o.v.

         This is perfect the prank . In 3 seconds l.J will be pranked . 1,2,3, . "WHERE IS IT " I heard L.J. Scream I took out a really sour lollipop that no one  can taste with out getting there lips sour except for me .  My door crashed down . "CANDY " l.j. Screamed and tackled me to the floor . "Give me that bitch candy only wants meh not you " . "Right candy " he said while making the lollipop nod . I smirked when he put the whole Lollipop and munched it 5 minutes later he screamed ,cried whined ,and cleaned his tongue and finally I gave him a chocolate to take the sour off his taste buds . Everyone laughed there asses off . "Ok what can I do for the pranks to stop " l.j. Said . I smiled creepy "well i want to go to the carnival YOU'RE carnival " . Everyone's jaws dropped . "Are you sure " he asked with worried tone in his voice . "Yeah I never went to you're carnival so now where going tonight " . L.J sighed "fine"  he huffed . "YAY " I screamed  and went up stairs and picked out an outfit . I know tonight is gonna be fun . 

Hey my little killers I think you'll love the next chapter hoped you liked this chapter and see you next time

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