were gonna fight till it's over

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Jenny's p.o.v
     I can't believe I was threatened all I remember was
I tagged jess (nickname for jessica) and she ran after me I saw something I tried running towards it when I finally caught up to it it was a girl "HEY WHAT ARE U DOING IN THESE WOODS U CAN GET KILLED" I was about to kill her when i hear her laughing "why are u laughing" she came at me at lighting speed ugh why do i have to be slow i feel her hitting me then i blacked out i woke up hearing jess everything hurts i wake up seeing hoody what what happend "hey what happend" hoody almsost hugged me to death "hoody your gonna kill me from hugging me so hard" he let me go "s-sorry i love you" aww "i love you too" i said weakly almost not being able to talk "get a room love birds" i heard jess say and with that she left i kissed him he kissed back he let go of the kiss "are u ok u got hurt up pretty bad" he said worried "yea im fine " i almost bursted out into tears im not as strong as my sister im slow i need her to save me i tried getting out of bed but i couldnt "jenny dont get up your still weak and healing" with that i bursted into tears i couldn't stop knowing i will always be the little sister not as strong not as big 

hey guys nuclear here i wrote this chapter 7 months ago and didnt have the time to publish it because we lost our password but i hoped you enjoyed it and me and theater will try to publish when we can well till next time

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