Shots Fired

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I heard people shooting as we dashed.

I heard the BZZZZZTS multiple times as well. Our team was still alive, no one has been shot yet.

That's when I spoke too soon.
A ginger haired boy in my team was shot.

I looked down at my wristband.

Greyson Free ×
Shot by: Clovis Yeer

Clovis was nearby! I led my team to the right, and we gathered up in a corner.

"Okay, Galaia (blonde girl), lead 6 of them. I think it's better to split into small teams. The other teams are really close, so better be smaller targets." I said.

Everyone nodded and went with the plan. Everything was going well, when I bumped into someone when I was turning a corner. It was dark in the arena, but I can tell who this was.

It was team yellow leader, Genine Yale.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I said as I backed up.

Genine backed up as well.

Then, our teams pulled their guns up at the same time.

"Okay, why don't we talk about this." Genine suggested.

"Alright, but no shooting." I said.

She agreed.

"Why don't we team up for now, and later when it's just us left, we split." She said.

That wasn't a bad plan. It also eliminates an opponent.

"Okay." I agreed as we shook hands.

Now, I had 6 people plus another 12. Great.

We dashed, our teammates shot at people we ran past, and so did I. All of a sudden, there was multiple BZZZTS.

When Genine and I turned to look behind us, we realised our team has all been shot. I saw Clovis flash a smile from behind a wall and immediately disappear.

Just like that, our whole team was gone.

Nerf Lord TakeoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang