Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was half buried in junk as I rummaged through my closet searching for my skating bag. With no avail.


Startled, I jerked upwards and banged my head on a shelf.

“Ana-banana!” I grimaced, pulling myself away from the closet. In front of me were my younger siblings, Addy and Hunter.

“What do you want?”

They looked up at me with similar innocent faces. At age of 12, the fraternal twins had yet to grow apart. Even their rusty brown curls and light green eyes were alike.

Addy took in a deep breath before yelling, “He broke my hockey stick!”

“It was an accident!” he shouted back.

“No, it wasn’t!”

“Well, you broke mine first!”

“Why you—“

I cut them off. “I don’t have time for this. Mom or dad can deal with it when they get home.”

“But—“ they argued in unison.

My sharp glare stopped them in their tracks. Frowning, they shrugged and looked up at me meekly.

“Whatcha doin’?” Addy asked.

I figured they wouldn’t leave me alone until I told them something. “Looking for my skating bag.”

“Why? Didn’t you quit skating?” Hunter questioned.

“Well…” I struggled to come up with something to tell them. “I ran into Coach Anya today…and…she convinced me to try skating again…and…yeah.”

The fraternal twins had a telepathic conversation, betraying nothing with their slightly changing facial expressions. After what seemed like an hour, they turned to face me and shrugged. Hunter walked away leaving Addy in my room.

“It’s not in the closet.” She said, sprawling out onto the queen-sized bed that was in the center of my room. Her legs splayed out beneath her as she propped her head up with her left hand.

I raised an eyebrow. “Then, where is it?”

She just stared at me innocently.


“If you tell me what’s really up, then maybe I’ll tell you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know.”

We watched each other for a couple of minutes, me with a look of sheer annoyance and her with a smug grin.

“Does it have to do with that guy you’re dating?” I gaped at her in disbelief.

“Psh! Just because I’m in middle school doesn’t mean I don’t hear the high school gossip. Libby Smith is in my math class.” That explained a lot. Libby’s older sister, Emily, was a freshman at my school who found delight in stalking the upperclassmen, which unfortunately included me.

“Or you can buy me a new hockey stick if you don’t wanna tell!” I didn’t have over $200 dollars to spare on her.

Letting out a groan, I plopped onto the bed beside her.

“Fine. Jake was...erm…kissing me behind the rink and Coach Anya saw. She threatened to tell Mom and Dad if I don’t start doing ballet again and go to the rink on Saturday.”

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