Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Adam and I walked into the rink together, with at least two feet separating us. Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” filled our awkward silence as Adam pushed open the doors. On the ice was a blur of blonde hair and pink T-shirt as a male skater spun on the ice. He made a basic sit spin look remarkable, bent in a shoot-the-duck position and rotating so quickly that I couldn’t make out body parts.

Despite being unable to see his face, I knew exactly who was on the ice. A grin spread across my face as the skater came out of the spin. He lunged, throwing an air kiss at me as he extended a leg backwards. Finishing up his routine, he spun around and skated towards me and Adam.

“The princess is back!” he shouted at me gleefully “and as sexy as ever!”

I giggled. “Still charming, huh Danny?”

“You know it! I’d be a lady-killer…if I rolled that way, that is. Speaking of which, heard you’re single again. True or false?” In the corner of my eye, I noticed Adam cringe in irritation.

I nodded slowly, still watching Adam with my peripheral vision.

Danny cackled with laughter, his pearly whites showing. “Good! We are strong independent women! And, we don’t need no men!” I raised my brow but I probably looked ridiculous with my body shaking with mirth.

“Don’t look at me that way. I’m all about skating this year. No boy chasing. Well…unless the Russian prince here starts showing some interest.” Danny said, giving the taller boy a once-over. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or actually checking out Adam. Though, it wouldn’t be surprising if he was.

Adam, who was previously silently standing to the side, leaned against the boards beside me, crossing his arms on top.

“Sorry, Danny. But you’re not really my type.” He shook his head, rustling his dark hair.

“Oh, don’t worry. I know.” Danny flicked his hazel eyes between Adam and me, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. I flushed bright red and averted my eyes to the ground.

“Nice skating, by the way.”

“Thanks. I was practicing for the ice show. I hear you’re gonna be skating in the show, too, princess.”

Princess. I used to be obsessed with the movie Ice Princess when I was little and Adam would always make fun of me for it. He started calling me printsessa l'da, a Russian nickname he came up with. When we became skating partners, Danny dubbed Adam the “prince”. The nicknames stuck among the skaters that practiced at our rink, but the fairytale ending they all expected obviously never happened.

“Yeah. Adam and I are skating together.” I mumbled, still uneasy about performing. On the ice. With Adam. Together.

Danny’s eyebrows shot up. He collapsed to the ice in a fit of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Adam asked.

“Umm…have you guys met the choreographer yet?”

“No. We’re working with her starting on Thursday…” I replied cautiously.

“Why?” Adam leaned forward to look at Danny, who was shaking so hard that he couldn’t stand up.

“Let’s just say that she’s a bit eccentric…and the routine she makes you guys do will be…interesting…”


Adam just shrugged. “Are you done practicing? I need to work with Ana.”

“Anything for you and the princess.” Danny winked at Adam and composed himself long enough to get off the ice. As soon as he got his skates off and ran through the double doors, Adam and I heard his hysterical chortling.

“Well…that was weird.” I said.

“What else do you expect from Danny?”


The rink was completely silent except for the sound of our blades on the ice and Adam’s occasional instructions. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy his left hand in mine and his right on my waist. He had me in a Killian hold as we glided around the rink for the millionth time. I’d gotten the hang of it by the second lap, but I didn’t want to tell Adam and interrupt our comfortable silence.

Tilting my head, I saw that his expression was serene. He glanced downwards and caught me staring. I was going to look away, but he smiled. It seemed like we were leaning closer to each other. Our noses almost touched and I could feel his breaths. We simply looked at each other for a few more minutes.

Suddenly, Adam jerked his head upwards, startling me. Don’t think like that, Ana. No need to complicate things.

“Okay. On the count of three, we’re going to do a swing roll.”

When Adam said “three” we both bent one knee and swung the opposite knee parallel to the ice while straightening the bent leg. I was slightly unsteady at first, but Adam kept a firm grip on me and I allowed myself to mirror his strong position.

“Now, lower your leg and turn so that you’re facing me.”

“Waltz hold?” I asked.


I did precisely what Adam told me to do and tentatively put my right hand in his and my left hand behind his neck. I stiffened slightly as Adam put his arm around me, his fingers tickling my shoulder blade.

“Tighten the frame and relax your body a bit.”

For a long time, we just skated around, occasionally changing positions to alter our body lines. I’m not sure who started it, but we eventually began to talk, softly discussing everything from school to my siblings to Coach Anya.

Adam didn’t even bother to give me instructions. I just followed his lead, our years of partnership coming naturally again. Unexpectedly, he picked up speed, forcing me to adjust mine. A mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t answer with words. Instead, he twisted me into a sweetheart wrap as if we were swing dancing at a party in 1980. He let go of one of my hands and spun be behind his back before pulling me forward and twirling me in the opposite direction, making me squeal with delight.

The last time Adam and I had done that was when we skated to “Rock This Town” in a junior ice dancing competition when we were thirteen. Unfortunately, I also remember his skate getting caught on mine during a spin. I’m pretty sure I also fell on my butt trying to slide through his legs. Swing really wasn’t our thing. Steadying me after a final twist, Adam led me off the ice.

I was still beaming when Adam and I sat down on the benches to pull off our skates after about forty-five minutes of actual skating and nearly another hour of just goofing around. I hadn’t skated for that long or had that much fun since I quit.

“What time is it?”

I pulled my cell phone out of my skating bag and gasped. “Shit! Almost 6:30! I was supposed to pick up the twins an hour and a half ago!” I grabbed my bag and stood up so fast that I lost my balance.

Adam’s hand shot up to support me. “Relax. They’re playing hockey, aren’t they? They probably don’t even know what time it is?” He had a point.

I was going to ask how he knew that the twins were playing hockey, but I realized that it would be a stupid question. Of course he knew. He’s been my best friend since we were five.

“I’ll drive you back to school so you can get your car.”

“I didn’t drive to school. Avery picked me up.” I let out a groan. The lake that the twins frequented was a ten minute walk from school, but the rink was in the opposite direction from school and I didn’t think that through.

“Then, I guess I’m driving you there. Come on.”

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