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Me and my friends, Hope and Khairah walked towards the line of our math class. Hope had walked ahead of us to meet our other friend, Kylie. Once me and Khairah got to the line, Hope and Kylie walked toward the group of boys, which had my crush, Mark Tuan and his friends in. Kylie had told Mark's best friend, Jackson that I liked Mark and to keep it a secret. Then Jackson told Mark to ask me out as a dare.

Mark and Jackson had came to me and Mark asked me to go out with him. I was shock and frozen. But was soon focused again by my friends telling me to say yes. I was confused and stood there not making a sound. Luckily the door opened so got in line and stood there quiet.

Few Minutes Later

One everybody was settled and the teacher was doing her things, Mark came up to me and asked again. I stood there for a few seconds frozen yet what broke my heart was

" Please say no" he said

I obeyed him and said no, but right after I had said that his friends started cheering because I had said no. Then Mark went to his seat, and class went on. Nearing the end of class I could still hear the cheers of his friends in my head. Once the bell had rang everyone quickly packed there things so they can go to lunch, yet I was packing slowly so everyone wouldn't see me start to cry. As I walked out the door I was slowly crying and avoiding people so they wouldn't see me.

Once I was near the bench I could see my friend Harmonie come to me and she asked what's wrong and hugged me. I wanted to be alone, so I escaped out of her grasp and put my bag away and took out my phone to listen to music alone. Sadly, one of my friends saw my crying and asked out loud why. Soon all my friends came up to me and kept asking me what's wrong. I cried even harder because I hated to be the center of attention and everyone was looking at me. Soon my friends saw people looking and took me to a place where people couldn't see my.Then Kylie guessed what was wrong with me and told me to nod whether the guess was right or wrong. When she guessed mostly on what was wrong with me and I calmed downed enough to speak, I told all my friends that happened and that I liked Mark. Soon they flipped out that I like him and Hope and Kylie already knew so they were calm.

Khairah later on took me to the counselor to help me settle down. While we were walking towards the office where the counselor was, Mark ran up to me and said sorry but Khairah pushed him away and told him that is was his fault.( I want to hurry and finish so I am going to skip the counselor talking part) I went to the bathroom in the nurse's office so that I can calm down more and wash my face from all the crying. As I was in there, I kept on blaming myself for liking him. Soon I snapped out of it and told myself that I would be an Independent woman not married and living in South Korea with my friends. I splashed my face with more water and saw myself in the mirror, I was a mess, my hair was everywhere, my eyes were bloodshot red and puffy, and my lips were all chapped. Once I calmed down completely, I went to the counselor's office to get a note for being late. As I walked out I read the note that she gave me, 12:40, lunch already ended and it was the middle of class. When I was about to go outside to class I saw one of my friends, Salina, she was one of the friends that I told everything about, I hugged her and left to my class.

The class I had after lunch was band, so I had to walk across the school to the classroom. Once I was in front of the classroom I could hear the instruments being played. I took a huge breath and walked in. When I walked in I could see everybody staring at me.

" Your eyes are super puffy" I could hear Kylie say. I gave the note to the teacher and he handed me a music book and told my just to read it and that I didn't have to play it.

Time skip

Once I was done changing I went with friends to get our instruments when Mark passed by, I hid behind one of my best friends, Michelle so that he couldn't see me because I thought I looked like a mess. He did see me and we made eye contact, his eyes looked so sad I felt horrible yet confused. I felt horrified because I caused him trouble, but confused because he looked sad. We both knew we were both avoiding each other and walked away from each other like nothing happened.

Another time skip

Once me and my friends were out of the bus we were talking about the INCIDENT that happened and explaining it to one of our friends, Andrew.

When I was at the porch of my house I opened the door and put my instrument case down.


I kept on thinking about the incident and remembered what Mark and I had done together. For a few days, some of my friends knew that I liked him and took pictures of him on my phone, he kept on running away so that he wouldn't get a shot but they took many shots of him. Soon after he tried to take the phone to deleted the pictures. As I thought about those times I took my phone and deleted the pictures except one where he looked like he dislocated his leg. Soon after I fell asleep while thinking about him.


HELLO PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET! This prologue is what actually happened to me and and I am still sad about it but not as much. I still have the picture of him and the dislocated leg. Anyway, I thought I had a chance with him because I sit next to him in my third period class and he pets me like a puppy and I like it when he does it. I know it's weird but I do like it. The incident was on a Friday so it is the weekend when I made this, I am scared what's going to happen when I go to school on Monday. Anyways BYEE!!

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