Controlling the Children

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Chappie 6

(Next morning Brooklyns POV)

We all went to the mall after the concert. Abby,Louis,Harry,and Megan all went somewhere in Top Shop and the rest are screaming, so me and Liam are trying to calm their butts down.

"Calm Your TITS!!" I screamed at April, Kayla, Niall, and Zayn who were running around and disorganizing the display of clothing. Niall and Zayn, and Liam looked at me with shocked expressions. April and Kayla, not so much.

"Yes!!!!!" April and Kayla screamed. I now know what they have done. Made me loose my gummy bears in the middle of a public area. I am so going to prank them with Abby and Louis.

"I hate you two."

"We also love you to, Boo." They said my evil nickname , in front of Liam. Now they must die.

(Liam's POV *haven't done that yet*)

"We love you also, Boo." They said while smirking. New nickname, must take that offer. Louis has corrupted me,I'm positive.

"Boo?" I said barely holding in my laughter, while Niall and Zayn are red in the face while not breathing, but laughing.

"I have now disowned my family for telling my friends that." She said with seriousness on her face. I looked at her trying to make her tell me the truth.

"Seriously, she actually went to a Judge and everything." April said sobering up from the laughter.

"Hey, so does anyone know where the rest of the peeps went after we got here?" Kayla said while talking with Zayn.

(Lou's POV)

Oh my god I can not run fast enough! If you are wondering what's going on we are RUNNING from loosely 1000 fans at the moment.

"Over here!" Megan screamed.

We ran behind the corner and stood there making no noise as the fans raced past us.

"We just mobbed by fans." I said quoting Aaood 2. Mental sigh, I am now official fan of myself.

"Let's find the others." Harry said looking frightened like a pussy cat.

"Let's go Harreh." Megan said while putting a arm around Harry and dragging him slowly along. Young Love.

"Yeah" Abby started to leave.

"Abby wait."

"Yeah?" She said with confusion.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

---------------------------------------------------------------------/:;()&@ randomness

CLIFFHANGER I'nm so sorry Abby and all meh potatoes but it was just SOOO tempting. But yeah if you all want another chapter give me more comments and votes.



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