A Little More You

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A Little More You

**Lily's POV**

We layed there in each other's arms for a little longer than a half an hour. Austin keep tracing little designs on my skin. We starred into each others eyes.

The door opened and we turned our heads to see Alex standing there. Austin pulled the covers up to cover my chest.

"Dude! Knock much?!" Austin yelled, making sure I was covered.

"Sorry. I didn't think you were doing her!"

"Will you keep it down. My mother doesn't need to know about this." Austin said jumping out of the covers and pulling a pair of boxers on.

"Can you get out so Lily can get dressed without you looking at her?" Austin asked, shewing Alex out of the room.

Alex through his hands up and backed out of the room. I laughed and pulled the covers off. Austin starred.

"Austin." I laughed and looked up at me.

"Sorry. It's just hard to believe that I had sex with a girl like you. And your my girl." Austin smiled.

"Awe baby." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion in my body.

"You have no idea how much I've waited for you to finally know how much I love you." Austin said causing me to smile like a total idiot.

"Go get dressed in that beautiful dress and meet me down stairs in an hour." Austin said and pushed me into my room.

I laughed and pulled on lacy white underwear and bra. On my closet door, hung my dress. I ran my fingers over the smooth, beautiful fabric.

I walked into the bathroom and did my makeup in a smoky look and put my hair up in a multi bread bun with small curls hanging out, up by my face I had to small strands handing out on either side of my face in curls.

Satisfied I walked into my room and stepped into the dress. I tried to get the zipper up but couldn't.

"Austin!" I yelled.

"What do you need, babe?" Austin popped his head into my room.

"I can't get the zipper up."

Austin walked over and pressed his hands to my back at pulled the zipper up. I turned to face him. I put on white heels. He took my hand and we walked down the steps. Michelle was waiting at the bottom with a digital camera.

We posed for pictures. Austin stood with his arms around my waist, my back to his side and my hands over top of his wrists.

After what seemed to be a million pictures, we walked to Austin's car and got in. Austin had to help me get my dress in.


The night was filled with a lot of dancing and loud music. Austin took me to Alex's prom. It was themed 'Starry Night'. The prom comity did an amazing job.

I was so tired. Austin carried me to my room. I got dressed for bed and fell asleep in Austin's arms. He really did make me feel special.


Sorry it's so short but it's like 2 am right now and I wanted to update so ya thanks!.

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