The First, Last, and Only Chapter

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Hello there c:
Okay, here's the thing.
Are you questioning your existence?
Are you wishing you were never born?
Are you thinking about committing suicide?
If you answered yes, then please... Keep reading.
I've gone through the feelings in which you are going through.
I've self-harmed.
But I'm one year clean.
I've tried to commit suicide.
But I didn't.
Because I knew it wasn't worth it.
Has someone ever told you "All good things must end"?
Well, think of it as "All bad things come to an end".
All the bad things that are going on in your life will end if you make and/or let it.
It may not seem like it to you, but there are TONS of people who care about you!!
I do, and I don't even know you!!
If you're feeling like you should end it all...
•Listen to music.
•Write a journal entry, poem, story, song, etc.
•Do something you find enjoyable.
•Talk to someone you love and trust.

Also, you can PM me anytime you want if you feel like this. Don't feel like you're annoying me, because you're not!
I love you all! One person's word or actions isn't worth losing you.
"Some days, you won't feel strong enough. Because, let's face it. Life's one big shit storm out there. But please. Don't make a permanent decision because of this one moment". ~Andy Biersack ❤

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