One More Time

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Finns pov :
"I'm Sophia your daughter." The little brunette girl said to me . "You're my what?" I asked her in shock. "Daughter ." She said. "Um .. uh. .uh." I struggled with my words . "Okay one more time ." She said annoyed 25 minutes later. "You and someone else had a kid 15 and a half years ago that kid is me . I am here because I turn 16 in two not one days and I need find my birth parents so I get permission to live on my own ." She said. I looked at her puzzled. "Finn!" She said. "Sorry , okay so you need me to sign this paper so you can be independent?" I asked her. "Yes." She said. "Okay then but why?" I asked her. "Because foster care sucks. I get moms who always drink and dads that are creeps and hit on me ." She said. "Okay um let me get a pen. " I said. I started to look around for a pen and then Puck said , "Here man." Holding it up. I grabbed it and she gave me the paper and the offered her back so I could sign it . "Now think of the girls you inpregnanted in highschool. " She said sarcastically as I signed . "Um Rachel Berry . R as in Ralph B as in butt." I said. "Wait you mean the Rachel Berry like Broadway star , celebrity, radio host Rachel Berry ?" I asked him. "Yeah." I said. "Woah dude you knocked up Rachel Berry like number 1 in our class Rachel Berry . She hated your guts ." Puck said.

Rachels pov :
"Oh look at this class of 1999 year book." Zack said. "Shut up! " I said coming down with a box from the attic . "Lets see what kind of person Rachel Berry was , hmmmm..... chess club , book club not suprised, glee club! Wow go figure, and then theres this guy that you completely defaced ." He said. I went into panick mode . "Oh no give me that!" I yelled and I started to chase him around . I grabbed it , "Not funny. " I said. I turned around putting the book down holding a ski. "Hey Rachel." He said. I turned around, "Yeah." I then saw he was down on one knee and said , "Rachel Barbara Berry, will you marry me?" He asked me. I stood there silent and then hit him . "Ow!" He said. "You can't just propose to someone out of the blue !" I yelled at him . "I was going to do it last night member the your the one and candle light dinner but instead I got a big romote thrown at my head. " He said. I smiled and said , "Are you serious?" I asked him. "More serious then I've ever been . I love you Rachel Berry and I wanna marry you and have a million babies." He said. "Okay first its physically impossible to have that many babies ." I told him. "Just say yes so I can kiss you and put this huge rock on your finger ." He said. I smiled and said ,"Yes I'll marry you Zack." I said laughing. He put the ring on my finger , got up and kissed me passionatley.

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