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Chapter 12
( 2 days later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 2 days since Sophia and I got into our fight . She hasn't talked to me about anything and I'm pretty sure she hates me . I was at work when Zack said , "Hey what school does Sophia go too?" He asked me. "Ridgewood High why?" I asked him. "There was a shooting and the school had a lockdown." He said. "What!" I said freaking out. "I gotta go. " I said and rushed out getting on my phone and calling the school.

Finns pov :
I was upstairs with Sophia and Puck when Rachel came rushing in. "Finn did you get Sophia there was a shooting and...." She stopped when she saw Sophia. "Oh thank god are you okay? Why didn't you call me?" She asked her. "I'm fine Rachel. This thing happens all the time. I had Finn pick me up." Sophia said. "Okay we really need to get you a cell phone. " Rachel said. "And I want to talk to you." She told me . I nodded at we went out to the roof . "Whats up? " I asked her . "We need to get her out of that school." She told me. "We? Don't you mean you?" I asked her. "Look she's your responsibility too." She told me. "Oh I know but where is she going to transfer too?" I told her . "McKinley. " She said. "Okay how do we get her in?" I asked her. "We'll go up to the school . " She said. "Okay lets go." I said and we walked back in and I said , "Sophie , me and Rachel have to go somewhere we'll be back soon ." I said. "Okay." She said annoyed and we left. "Hi is Principal Shuester here?" Rachel asked the secretary . "Do you have an appointment?" She asked blandly. "No." Rachel said. "Then your out of luck Princess." the secretary said sarcastically. I then walked up and put on the charm. "Gladys, may I call you Gladys? We do have an appointment we're friends of Principal Shuester. So if you could just let us in that would be great." I said smirking at her. She blushed and then said, "Go right on in sugarlump." She said giddy. I looked at Rachel and she rolled her eyes and we went in . "So let me get this straight, you need me to help get your daughter into this school?" Mr.Shue said. "Yes I know it's last minute but it's urgent." Rachel said. "Okay she's in but only because you two are my favorite students. " He said. "Thank you Mr.Shue. " I said. "No problem. Sophia starts tomorrow." Said and we left. "You think she'll be okay with this?" I asked Rachel. "Yeah she'll be fine, she probably can't wait to leave that horrible school. " Rachel told me.

Sophia's pov:
"What!" I yelled at Finn and Rachel. "You're going to be going to a new school." Rachel repeated. "Oh like hell I am." I said annoyed. "Sophia." Finn said sternly. "I can't go to a new school Emily needs me to keep her out of trouble I'm her only friend." I said. "Look you can still see her." Rachel said. "Not if she goes back to foster care. " I said. "Look it's going to be okay." Finn said . "Ugh ! I hate you both!" I yelled furiously and stormed out.

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks so much for voting and please continue to read, vote,and comment.I know there's not a lot of finchel right now but there will be.

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