Chapter 34- Disney Part 2

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once we arrive at Disney I can't help but smile. this is truly the bust birthday present ever.

once we pay for admission we walk in to the park and being me, i go straight to the gift shop and get a mug, a sweater, and mouse ears. all a present from Jacob, he didn't know what to get me.

after we spend pretty much all our money in the gift shop, i insist on going to see the princesses. my favourite is Belle.

"ugh, do we have to go?" i sigh as i take one last glance at the most magical place in the world.

"sadly, but we'll come back another time. all of us." Nash smiles and we all agree. i look through all the pictures i took and decide to post one of me with Belle.

when we get back to the hotel, i instantly jump on my bed. it was an exhausting day. i feel my eye lids getting heavy, as i drift into a deep sleep.


"yep, she's asleep." i confirm. everyone nods and we begin to review the plan for tomorrow, Victoria's birthday.

"so the girls will make her breakfast, and all the guys except Hayes will hang out with her, while the girls and Hayes set up the surprise. does that seem right?" Bart asks, reading off his phone. we all agree as we hear footsteps come down the stairs to find Victoria.

"a meeting without me?" she asks as she plops down beside me.

"we were just all hanging out." i lie.

"are you sure? this doesn't look like yo-"

"yes, we're sure." Bart interrupts her and she just nods.

little does she know.

"Hayes! stop it!" Victoria screams as I continue to tickle her.

"this isn't funny!" she says, trying to sound serious.

"then why are you laughing?" i smile and she starts to laugh again.

"because you're tickling me! now stop!" she says and i stop. it's currently 7:00, we just got back from dinner with everyone. Erica and Shawn went to see a movie, Mahogany and Jacob went to the mall, and the rest of the guys are figuring out what to do for Victoria's birthday.

"wanna watch a movie?" she asks me, interrupting my thoughts.

"sure. what movie?" i ask and she selects Pitch Perfect.

we finish that and a couple other movies and i check the time. 11:59.

"one minute until your birthday!" i say and she claps.

"oooo, I'm excited. one minute until i'm 15." she says and i nod. we both watch my phone screen until it strikes midnight.

"happy birthday gorgeous." i say and we kiss.

"thanks handsome." she says and snuggles into my chest. we both start to fall asleep.

This is a filter! I'm sorry it's so short but the next chapter will make up for it, it's super long:)

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