Scotts POV

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I was nervous. No, more than nervous, I was paranoid. What's if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I don't look pleasant? I mean, he's gorgeous. I've always wanted to be face to face with him and all, but I wasn't expecting this to happen in a day like this one. Is just a simple morning, and I'm having a simple time with my not so simple friend at a simple house. "Kirstie, I don't think I can-"

"I'm here bitches!" He said walking in a bright white sweater. He stopped when he looked at me and smiled. "Hey."

"Hey." I said smiling weakly.

"Mitch, this is Scott, Scott, Mitch." Kirstie said as I looked at her. Mitch's eyes couldn't lay off me for a second and it was making me nervous.

"You're beautiful." I said without thinking making his smile grow.

"Um, thanks. You too." He said smiling and sitting next to me making me even mOre nervous. The man I fell in love with in within a few days was literally centimeters apart. "So, you sing?"


"What kind of songs do you like to sing, other than Beyoncé." He said giggling making me laugh a bit.

"Slow songs."

"Like R&B slow songs?" He asked with a huge smile showing off his incredible adorable dimples as I nodded. "Ooh, sexy."

I turned around to face Kirstie who was wiggling her eyebrows like an idiot in a teasing way. I gestured her to stop messing around. "So Mitch, Scott wanted to know what things you're into." She lied. I turned around to face him and nodded.

"I'm into electronic music. You know like, dubstep, daft punk, deadmau5, skrilex, Calvin Harris, naughty boy, I have so many favorites I can't even keep track." He said smirking. His laugh was so addictive, and his smile even more. Cheesy, but appealing.

I looked down at my phone and went to twitter, "do you have a Twitter?" I asked. He nodded and snapped the phone out of my bare hands with a smile.

"Here." He said giving it back right away. I looked through his tweets and saw a lot of designs by Gucci. I gave him a look while also raising an eyebrow with a slight smile, "what? I love Gucci. Don't judge me!"

"I'm not." I said smirking back at his ridiculousness.

"LIER, you already think I'm weird."

"No, I really think you're an interesting person." I said, but he wasn't buying it. "I mean it." I said sounding a bit more serious. He smiled and took my phone again. He started going through my contacts and added his phone number.

"Here. You can call me whenever you feel like hearing my amazing voice. You're welcome."

"Thank you?" I asked smirking. I could hear Kirstie fake coughing from the back,

"(cough) kiss him(cough cough)"

"Umm, what was that?" Mitch asked perplexed.

"I think you need water Kirstie. Come, let's go get you some water." I said grabbing her gently and dragging her to the kitchen.

"You two should get a room." She whisper so Mitch wasn't able to hear her.

"Is not like that Kirst." I whispered back.

"But you told me you like him."

"I'm pushing my feelings away."


"He has a boyfriend. And I'm pretty sure he wants him as much as I do. Maybe even more."

"There's no way Travis loves him as much as you do. He's bisexual, you're gay. You like guys more than he does which proves that you love him more."

She had a point

"He knows him more than I do."

"Scott, forget about Travis. He doesn't even love Mitch, he kissed someone last night. I didn't know her so I didn't care, and I didn't tell Mitch until I found out you liked him."

"Wait, so they're not going out anymore?"

"No.... They're still a couple.."

"Guys! I feel lonely, come back please! Unless you're making out then proceed."

"NO!" We both yelled at the same time. I could hear his laugh from the living room as we both stepped out of the kitchen to keep him company. I sat beside him and Kirstie decided to give us some privacy.

"So... Travis, is he good to you?" 

"Yeah, he's a good boyfriend." He said scratching his nose and avoiding my sight. I wasn't buying it.

"Mitch I know what he did. You shouldn't be with someone that does things like that."

"Well, I can't help it if I love him that much."

My chest began to burn.

"M-Mitch.." I said without even planning to say anything back. I didn't want to show I was jealous or just hurt, I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Scott, are you okay." He said with concerned eyes placing a hand on my left cheek and pulling my face to his side. 

My heart.

"Mitch, please.." I pleaded.

"I... I can't just brake up with him Scott. I love him.."

The burn.

"Fine.." I said as he smiled weakly rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I didn't know how to feel at that moment. I was mad at the fact that someone else is going to keep my Mitchy, and that person doesn't even love him. I was jealous of him. I was hurt by Mitch's words but... I was glad to be his friend although I wanted so much more. "But just know that if you need an arm to cry on, I'll always be here."

"Thanks." He smiled at me and kissed my nose. 

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