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Maldonado: how was practice today?
Grassi: sexless 😒
Maldonado: a good or a bad thing?
Grassi: good I guess since I already know I'm in love with Scott. Should I tell him? I mean, I know I'm going to brake his heart eventually. I'm not a committed person. I'm a slut.
Maldonado: not true, he doesn't think you are.
Grassi: he's deceived by my looks. Everyone is.
Maldonado: Mitch 😟
Grassi: whatever..
Maldonado: Mitch! 😠
Grassi: what?
Maldonado: I love you, but stop being stupid!
Grassi: excuse me?
Maldonado: you're giving away the opportunity of being with a decent guy that loves and respects you because of uncertainty and doubt?! Are you serious? Since when one gives away the chance to be happy? Last time I check that was your aspiration.
Grassi: 😓  I don't know what to do.
Maldonado: either you tell him or I will.
Maldonado: good boy mitchy 😏

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