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       Spirits POV

      I've always been different. Most little kids growl. But for me it stuck with me. The play growls turned to full growls. The howls piercing, sending shivers down your spine. And eyes that held the mystery of any wolf.

My wolf.

The wolf inside me.

     Let me introduce myself.  My name is spirit. I am a wolf therian. I have the mind of a wolf. I am sly and secretive. But I won't go down without a fight. Especially if it's for the people I love and care about. I've always hidden my wolf side. Every once and a while I'll have a slip though. A growl. Maybe a Yelp. It's earned me the nick name "dog" or "puppy." Grrr I hate it when people say "come here doggie" or any of that bullshivic. I'm a wolf. Not a dog. Get it right.

       I've always been a lone wolf, I've never told anyone about being a therian. I've met many therians online on websites and the therian community is very kind.  We take care of each other. But I've always wanted to personally know another therian. But I guess I won't. I will always be a lone wolf.

Jacksons POV

    I just moved here. To Texas. And I hate it already. The people kinda ignore me, like I'm some kind of weirdo. I guess I am. I'm a wolf therian. My wolf name is eclipse because of my black fur. I'm a black wolf therian. I like it that way. I'm not afraid or embarrassed of who and what I am. I've never met another therian but hopefully they are more welcoming than these Texas humans. Ugh. At my new school most kids are pretty normal except for this one weird girl. She keeps to herself. And she has a moon necklace. Who wears a moon necklace? I'll stick to my collars thank you.

     I tried talking to her. She said her name was spirit which is kinda cool. But still there's also something off about her. Or something more. I can't tell though. I got teased for my collars but I made them back off. I can be frightening when I want to. There's a few other kids in the neighbor hood. One doesn't go to school he's kinda big and built. I'm average. He also has a big personality. Up front and stuff he also like makes this weird roaring noise when he's mad I've heard it because therians are more aware of their senses making them slightly better.
He's weird.

Dylan's POV

    So this new kid moved in. He's ok. Talked to him a few times but he kinda keeps to himself. Like me I guess. But for me it's because I'm a lion therian. I need to keep the secret because if anyone found out they'd think I'm crazy or weird. But I'm soft at heart. Even though I seem cold. This new kids got potential though. Hopefully better than that other kid who goes to my school. He's kinda goth type. Black like everything. He has no fashion sense. Even his hair is black but I think that's just his normal hair color. It kinda goes in his eyes like swoopy. He looks very secluded doesn't talk to anyone. But whatever floats his boat.

Pierce's POV

   I hate going to school but my parents force me. It's so hard to keep my Panther  side in check so I don't growl at someone. So I have to keep to myself. I don't really like talking to others anyways. There's this new kid. He's kinda like that other girl I can't remember her name. She's quiet like him. And me. We are labeled the "weirdos" well me and the girl. All the other girls are like madly in love with the "hot new guy"

      I am a panther therian making it harder for me. Don't get me wrong I love being a therian but sometimes it's hard. When I have a mental shift let's pray I'm alone. But it's always been that way. I can control it but I wish I was free to let it out. I always keep this little mouse with me though. It kinda calms me. I know I know I'm weird. But what can I say?


"Oops sorry" Spirit says as she bumps into Pierce. She gets on he floor and helps pick up his and her stuff. She sees a small mouse on tfloor and Pierce picks it up quickly. "I-Its ok I wasn't looking" he says and leaves quickly. "I wonder what that mouse was about he seemed nervous" Spirit says to herself. "He wasn't quite right though it seemed like me... I wonder... No it's not possible you are the only therian here. And this is your territory no other wolf at least would really want to mess with you. Since we can kinda tell." Whatever it was probably nothing. She walks away still wondering. She felt something. With that new kid... Something.

OK! So that was my first chapter! I hope you liked it! I don't know much about other animal therians just wolf so if you are and I make a mistake feel free to kindly let me know and I will fix it. Thanks for reading and let me know if you want something to happen or whatever thank you! Bye

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