Chapter 28

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                Blake’s P.O.V

How would I explain this to her? How would I be able to tell her that she is not allowed to come? It’s just too risky and I don’t want anything to happen to my little angel. I know she would be mad but I have to do what’s right, I would never forgive myself if even a little hair from her head was taken. I know I would be sleeping on the couch for a while but I would take that any day then seeing her hurt. I run my hands through my hair in frustration not knowing what to do. I was in deep thought till my little angel walked in looking sexier than ever. She slowly made her way to me and placed her sweet lips on mine.

“You ready”? She said looking indecently.

“Baby we need to talk” I said grabbing her hands in mine.

“What about”? She said now looking into my eyes.

“I think I would be best if you didn’t come along”.  She paused a little then she gave me a sharp look.

“I’m going” she said through clinched teeth.

“Baby just listen it’s to dangerous and I don’t want you getting hurt and that’s final” I said pulling her close to me. She pushed back and started to shake her head.

“No…No…No I’m going I don’t care what you say”.” And if you piss me off I’ll go without you” she said snarling at me.

“I said no” I shouted at her.

“Fuck you then” she said walking away from me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me.

“Don’t you ever use that tone on me again”. “And you know damn well I am doing this to protect you”. “I can’t have him touching you”. “I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to you Evelyn”.

“What are you my dad to tell me what to do”? “I am a big girl and I could handle myself last time I checked”. “And how do you think I would be, knowing you’re out there maybe dead in a ditch or something”. “I would hate myself for that and it is final I am going with or without you”. I stood there in deep thought again not knowing what to do. I knew that she will leave with or without me; she wants that son of a bitch as much as I do. I can’t believe I am doing this but I have to let her go.

“Ok fine you can come but only if you promise me that you will not leave my side no matter what happens and if I tell you to run you run do you understand me”? “I don’t want you looking back no matter what you hear or see”. “And just remember you put this on your plate do you understand me”.

“Yes I understand”. “Now let’s go before he thinks that Destiny blow him off” she said making her way out of the room.  We got to the front of the house and I had over thirty men with me. Better be safe than sorry.

“Babe I think we should take separate cars in case something happens”. I thought about it for a few moments and knew she was right. If she couldn’t get to me she would have to escape somehow. I nodded and gave her the keys to the Audi. I kissed her and turned around and hopped into my truck. We took off and got to an old abandoned motel. It looked like something out of a scary movie. Destiny got out of her car and so did all of use. We were a good hundred feet away from the property and you can’t see use because of the forest. Destiny made her way to the lot. We heard someone talk for a few moments and then she came back.

“What happened” I said looking at her.

“He knows someone else is here and I didn’t want to blow our cover so I said Evelyn came with me”.

“You what”? I said in a growl. Evelyn slapped her hand over my mouth.

“Blake be quite”. “I will go out with her and when I give you a signal you guys will come out”.

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