Fairy Lights

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Summary: Dean and Castiel buy a house.

Dean and Castiel stood at the stairs, gazing at the house in front of them. Their house. They had recently bought a house, passing a big mile stone in their relationship.

They looked into each other's eyes, silently asking each other if they were ready. Castiel lightly nodded and led both of them inside the house. They were met with boxes, boxes, and, oh look, more boxes full of their possessions. The sight earned an exhausted sigh from Dean, and he let go of Castiel's hand to start working on unpacking.

"You just have to nail it to the wall, Dean."

"I'll nail you to the wall." Dean responded, hammer and nails in hand. He was currently attempting to hang a picture up in the living room.

"Shut up..." Cas mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up.

After three antagonizing hours of Dean following Cas' orders of "place that picture there" and "no, a little more to the left," the couple both agreed it was about time that they called it a night and went to sleep.

Scooting closer to Castiel, Dean snuggled his face into the crook of Cas' neck and laid his arm around his waist. Dean was half asleep when he heard Castiel whisper "Guess what, Dean."

Dean lazily mumbled something resembling what and waited for Castiel to answer. He didn't actually give him an answer, though. Instead, he clicked a button and a whole string of intensely bright fairy lights lit up the room, blinding Dean and startling him out of surprise. Castiel started chuckling and couldn't contain his laughter as Dean fell off the bed when the lights turned on.

this is short but it's okay I guess

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