My best friend, Bailey

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I can't remember the exact time l met you, maybe 2009 or 2010? It was sometime after Sophie died in 2009, she died when l was nine or ten... l was turning ten that year... it was hard losing Sophie she was a great friend she kept me company when l went outside to play. But once my family and I got over her death, we got you from my cousin.

You were so lively and happy, your personality was nearly exactly like mine, which made you perfect for me, and you could keep up with me and put up with my antics. I remember what you did the minute you came out of the cage; you looked at me, sitting in front of it. I was told not to touch you until you came to me; you did eventually after you had checked out your surroundings. You came straight to me and wanted to play wagging your little butt, due to that you had no tail only a little tuff of hair where your tail would have been. I was over the moon when l met you, happy to have another friend.

You were so tolerant of me, being a child with ADHD most dogs wouldn't tolerant being picked up and hugged and carried around a lot. You could keep up with my massive bounds of energy and helped me use it up. You also didn't bark at my brother when he would chuck tantrums, you just sat by me and kept quiet. You were so well trained to handle those with certain disabilities and you got along with nearly everyone you met.

My friends adored you nearly just as much as l did, whenever they came over, you would greet them and allow them to pat you and play with you and curl up beside us when we weren't playing with you, having a little nap. You were so adorable.

You were protective of me... whenever you heard something when we were alone if you heard something you would immediately jump up on my lap and whine while looking at a certain direction. This would alert me to look at what was wrong. A lot of the time you were only whining about nothing but l hugged you and said thank you anyway, because l knew you were only looking out for me.

Even when l had gotten hurt you would lick me and lay beside wherever was injured; you were my little hairy nurse, hahaha. You always made me feel better. And you kept me happy, you didn't allow me to become sad.... I guess you could say that you 'kept me above water'.

During storms l would allow you to curl up in my lap and sleep...

The last photo that l got of you in fact, was during a storm. It has you and Rusty laying on me... (look at picture above)

You passed away on me so suddenly..... I was at my fathers' when it happened... l only wish l could have seen you one last time before your death... but l couldn't... my mother called my father and was going to tell me by phone, but dad wouldn't allow it and told me the bad news. As he was telling me two things went through my head before he said exactly what happened: 1. Something happened to mum, 2. You got out and mum couldn't catch you, my last though was 'don't tell that she...' my thoughts were interrupted "Bailey has sadly passed away earlier today, l'm really sorry, Sarah...".

At that very moment my world crashed down... I immediately started crying l couldn't stop. I asked my dad if we could go to my mum's place so l could say good bye. My dad agreed and let me go see Your body... the minute l saw your body l burst out crying again, screaming 'why, why did you have to leave me!', again and again. Your body was so still and your eyes were open, l couldn't close them, l couldn't even look at your eyes without my brain making it look as if you had blinked. I sat there for a good while crying and patting your body... you were still warm. Mum still hadn't looked outside to see what killed you yet, so went out and l spotted a big brown snake. You had killed it, but sadly it killed you as well...

Grandpa came and dug the hole; l wanted it near Sophie's grave in the back yard. I held your body in my arms while the hole was dug and l placed you in myself.... But when Grandpa was making sure you fit I thought l heard a crack... l think one of your legs broke, l walked away a little, covering my ears. I don't know if one of your legs did break but still.... It was hard.

I cried uncontrollable for two days afterwards, people on Facebook were sending messages telling me how they are sorry for my loss and that they are devastated and blah blah blah. There is only one thing l wish for you to know, Bailey, my beautiful girl. Is that you killed it; you protected your family and territory. You did what you intended to do... l hope you know this Bailey, my best friend. And I hope that you rest in peace.

Date of death 21st of September 2015

My best friend, BaileyWhere stories live. Discover now